Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Life Time Research Paper - 930 Words

Men have their Periods Too Menstruation and menopause are words commonly associated with the female folks. My focus is not on the biological and scientific process that drive menstrual flow in human, but some of the inexplicable psychological impacts, anxiety and displeasure women live with prior to and during their monthly menstrual circles. I find it incredibly amazing, that some men experience monthly menstrual flow, and are compelled to wear the red badge of courage which most people think is an insignia of the feminine world. I will like to share a life time experience in this paper that taught me a life time lesson about how to be conscious, to be respectful and to support to any woman during her menstrual periods and what kinds of†¦show more content†¦Although I found her unusual display of timidity about the encounter awkward, but I learnt to respect her unusual timidity not to talk about the encounter. Years later, she explained that only her regret that night was being caught unaware away from home, she explained further that it is not unusual to feel cramps, and heavy flow in the first days of her menstrual period. I remember vividly that memorable night, I led her to my bathroom, got her sanitary towels from my sister’s closet, replaced the bed linings and subsequently put her to sleep. The next morning everything was okay, as I drove my friend to the exam hall. Many thoughts ran through my naà ¯ve mind, I was kind of troubled since my friend was shy to talk about what has happened for a long time, I formed an opinion on my own leaned toward a petty and hasty judgmental position. I took the view that my friend silence for many years about the encounter was one of guilt. I initially thought my friend had a miscarriage or possibly have bleed so much due to complications from an abortion. If women undergo such discomforts during their menstrual period, how much more pains do women endure during child birth? Enduring pain all day long, bloating, back and stomach cramps, bleeding all day for the next four to five days, going to the wash room from time to time to change sanitary towels or check for external stains among other psychological anxieties,Show MoreRelatedReligion, Social Networks, And Life Satisfaction1534 Words   |  7 Pagestopic of this paper is on Religion, Social Networks, and Life Satisfaction (2010). This was found in the American Sociological Review (ASR) As we go through this paper we will see how the authors, do not necessarily meet the criteria that they set out for and in what way they could have tried to help reach what they set out to look for. The simple reasoning behind why they do not meet their criteria is due to how they tried to do their research and what they lacked. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Why! Elder Abuse.Why! Free Essays

Elder abuse, A Social Problem Elderly abuse has not been researched enough, although there has been recent expansion on the research of abuse of the elderly. However, it is still lacking adequate theory because there has not been enough research done, data collected on why it happens, or the characteristics of the abuser and victim. There are some diseases that cannot always be treated or prevented, but negligence and abuse can always be prevented. We will write a custom essay sample on Why! Elder Abuse.Why! or any similar topic only for you Order Now By learning to recognize the signs and symptoms of elder abuse, there will be a decrease in the number of the elderly who are abused and neglected. Within this paper you will find that both men and women are victims of elder abuse, crimes against the elderly, elder abuse with celebrities, main problems with elder abuse and a way to help stop elder abuse by education. It is said that Women are predominantly the victims of elder abuse and that men are the abusers, this is not always true, Men are also victims of elder abuse with women as the abusers. However, there has not been a firm definition of what is elder abuse. Some experts suggest that elder abuse should be included in the definition of domestic violence. Experts have found in their studies that women are the majority of the physically abused, where men were the larger average of elderly individuals who were neglected. However, many experts also state that focusing on the definition of elder abuse is counter-productive as in focusing on the issue that women are the majority of abused victims. Feminist theorists have failed to produce enough data here, although they have the expertise to contribute to this research. Wolf, 2000) Categories of elder abuse and neglect include such diverse harmful acts as hitting the person, withholding food or water, bullying and threatening, abandoning them when they cannot care for themselves. Which involve elders in their homes or in residential care (Wolf, 2000). According to the news on ABC, even celebrities are victims of elder abuse, such as Mickey Rooney. Who is a 90-year-old actor, who has had one of the longest careers of any actor, was granted court protection from stepson Chris Aber and his stepdaughter Christina Aber, after he filed a case against them charging verbal, emotional and financial abuse, and for denying him such basic necessities as food and medicine. The court documents say that both Chris and Christina Aber have been keeping Rooney as â€Å"effectively a prisoner in his own home† through the use of threats, intimidation and harassment (abcnews. com) In the United States most of the abuse has came from nursing homes, but now the abuse is coming from the offspring of the elderly. Even though the government officials are trying to pass new laws to protect the elderly, the abuse continues. Did you know that 90% of abuse and neglect is perpetrated by family members or relatives, two-thirds by the spouse or adult child of the victim (Administration on Aging, 2004b). One of the main problems with elder abuse is the failure to acknowledge it as a form of real abuse. The ‘caregiver’ is already excused by getting this label as the ‘carer’. There is also the focus on the elder individual as the catalyst to the abuse, by pushing the carer to his or her limits. The elder individual is seen as overly dependent and has added stress to the caregiver. Violence toward the elderly by their middle-aged children or others is a special form of family violence and, just like child abuse and domestic violence, deserves to be recognized, investigated and appropriate interventions provided to save victims from unnecessary suffering. What is abuse? â€Å"It is a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person or violates their human and civil rights (Brandl, 2000). The victim fears reporting such abuse will result in losing ties with that relative or that the relationship will be upset. In several circumstances the victim would be dependent on the perpetrator a caregiver and they are afraid of ending up in long term care if they report the abuse. There may also be the fear that the abuser may find out. Furthermore, they might not have the confidence to report the abuse, and are afraid they won’t remain anonymous. Maybe there is a possibly of failure to recognize abuse and they do not know what is happening to them is classified as abuse. From the functionalist perspective, aging is a social problem because the institutions of modern society are not meeting the needs of the dependent elderly. Interactionist believes that the elderly are stigmatized because they do not conform to the norms of a youth-oriented culture. Conflict theorist view the problems of the elder as stemming from lack of power to shape social institution to meet their needs (http://apa. org/) As a human service professional we can help in the fight to stop Elder abuse, by joining groups like the NCEA, and get involved in their World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. http://www. ncea. aoa. gov). We can help to educate the society, community, on the signs of Elder Abuse with a brochure on Signs of Elder Abuse and by joining the White House on the †Taking a Stand against Elder Abuse† that happens every year on the Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (whitehouse. gov). Elder abuse is just like Domestic Violence and society should not let this ty pe of abuse happen to anyone. In conclusion; as citizens of United States, we must make ourselves aware of the signs of Elder Abuse. We must give respect to the elderly and if we suspect an elderly person is being abused by their family or a professional do not be afraid to report the abuse to the proper authorities. This paper gave you information as stated and that both men and women are victims of elder abuse, there are many crimes against the elderly, there is elder abuse with celebrities, there are main problems with elder abuse and there is a way to help stop elder abuse by education and planning. It is not an easy road but if we all work together to stop elderly abuse, we can stop it! Reference Halphen, John M. , Grace M. Varas, and June M. Sadowsky. 2009. â€Å"Recognizing and reporting elder abuse and neglect. † Geriatrics 64, no. 7: 13-18. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed June 18th, 2011). Administration on Aging (2004b) Elder Abuse, Retrieved, June 18th, 2011 from http://www. aoa. gov/eldfam National Center on Elder Abuse. (2004). The Basics. Retrieved June 17th, 2011 from http://www. lderabusecenter. org/default. cfm? p=basic. cfm Brandl, B. (2000) Power and control: Understanding domestic abuse in later life. Generations, 24(11), 39-45 National Council on Child Abuse and Family Violence. Retrieved March 18th, 2011, from http://www. nccafv. org/elder. htm#top http://apa. org/ http://www. ncea. aoa. gov/Ncearoot/Main_Site/pdf/publication/Join_Us_Campaign_tipsheet_indv_final. pdf retrieved June 21st, 20011 http://www. whitehouse. gov/blog/2011/06/13/taki ng-stand-against-elder-abuse How to cite Why! Elder Abuse.Why!, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

People and Organization Personality and Disability

Question: Discuss about thePeople and Organization for Personality and Disability. Answer: Introduction: Human behavior is complex subject and the individualism differentiates every individual from another. The individuality depends on several factors including personality, disability, values, age, religion etc. According to Sue, Rasheed and Rasheed (2015), individuals attitude is influenced by factors including abilities, gender, attribution, perception and attitude. Over the past few decades, the workforce diversity plays an integral role in the business. There are some beneficial aspects and challenges of the workforce diversity. Most of the business analysts have agreed with the fact that most of the organizations have been making efforts for achieving the workforce diversity in the era of economic globalization. By analyzing the beneficial aspects of the workforce diversity, it can be assessed that the organizations could increase the productivity along with creativity. Moreover, the diversity at work could cause in enhancing the language skills. Sometimes, workforce diversity is r esponsible for improving the reputation of the organization. In this context, the beneficial aspects of the workforce diversity will be discussed in an efficient manner. Moreover, the importance of the impartial managerial behavior will be highlighted in a detailed manner. Different point of views of the authors will be sketched in this particular assignment in an appropriate manner. Discussion: According to Villarreal et al. (2014), organizations obtain high benefits by involving the workforce diversity into the business. Over the past few years, workforce diversity is responsible for most of the organizational development. With the involvement of the workforce diversity, the organizations experience both tangible and intangible benefits. In the recent years, the diversity at the workplace provides the competitive advantages in the business. By analyzing the benefits of the diversity at the workplace, it can be assessed that the organizations could easily enhance the productivity by implementing the diversity in the business. The diverse workforce indeed provides employees with different skills that would facilitate the organizations in executing the complex task in an easy manner. Employees from the diverse work culture could provide different ideas for improving the business opportunities. Thompson (2016) has discussed that the workforce diversity enhances the employee mo rale, and it is responsible for influencing the employees in executing work more effectively and efficiently. On the other hand, Harvey and Allard (2015) have identified that the diversity leadership within the business indeed allows the management in identifying the new skills and method to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. Besides the productivity, the diverse workforce facilitates in increasing the creativity in the business execution process. According to Barak (2013), workforce diversity enhances the creativity within an organization. It has been seen that the employees from the different background facilitate the organization in providing a variety of solutions that contribute to achieving the goals and objectives of the business. on the contrary, Elwr et al. (2013) have identified that a huge number of ideas can be formed under the diverse workforce situation. Most of the companies have successfully created the innovative processes through the discussion with t he employees under diverse work culture. In the modern era of business, most of the organizations try to expand their workforces across the global platform. Due to the limited global presence, the organizations have limited market shares. Consequently, it harms the business growth. Hence, the organizations are more focused to expand the business across the international market. For enhancing the business in to the international market, the organizations need to focus on the language diversity. Barak (2013) has identified the fact that the companies planning to expand the business into the global market obtain huge benefit from the language diversity at the workplace. Most of the bilingual workers experience an extra advantage when applying for a particular job because employees understand the beneficial aspects of the language diversity. On the other hand, the organizations following the workforce diversity have huge reputations in the market, as these organizations avoid practicing employment discrimination. The potential employees always focus on gathering information about the employers treatment to the staffs. Most of the employers treat their staffs fairly regardless of gender, ethnicity, and race. By discussing the outcome of the workforce diversity, it can be assessed that the organization upholds the high employee morale through the implementation of such process into the business. Hence, it can be identified that the workforce diversity is responsible for providing competitive advantages to the organizations. With the involvement of the diverse workforce into the business, organizations could easily gain maximum benefits. According to Thompson (2016), all employees should be treated equally rather individually at the workplace. Without treating staffs equally, the organizations would not be able to enhance the productivity of the business. In recent years, most of the organizations have been focusing on the quality program, as it facilitates them in enhancing the business opportunities in an efficient manner. For instance, if the management of the organizations treats employees equally, they would be able to obtain the different ideas in the business. By treating the employees identically, the management would be able to encourage the staffs in delivering the quality performance. Most of the leaders in the organizations believe that the impartiality at the workplace would motivate the employees for providing high productivity in the business. According to Harvey and Allard (2015), the equality process in the organization would cause several beneficial aspects including opportunity, contribution, lawsu it protection, and reputation. On the contrary, Barak (2013) have identified that all individuals have the same opportunities in developing their skills by involving themselves into the workplace consists of equality and diversity. Workplace equality provides an adequate chance to the employees in contributing high productivity. Most of the organizations provide equal training sessions to the employees in order to enhance their workability in an efficient manner. Although the workplace equality provides adequate opportunity to the organizations in enhancing the business opportunities, it also creates some challenges for trade. Thompson (2016) has discussed that the employees having a low knowledge need extra training and development session for enhancing the workability in an effective manner. Moreover, potential employees should be given proper recognitions so that they become motivated for providing enhanced performance into the business. Sue, D.W., Rasheed and Rasheed (2015) have identified the fact that the motivation is one of the major factors that could enhance the productivity of the business in an effective manner. In many multinational organizations, employees face the unequal treatment from the management. Consequently, it decreases the workability of the employees. Sometimes, employees are not able to stop the unequal treatment of management. Elwr et al. (2013) have discussed that the employer should admit the issues at workplace fairly so that they can be influenced for delivering high production in the business. Unequal treatment can happen due to the several factors including the types of behavior. The manager of the organization can be participated in the unequal treatment process by denying complaints rose by employees. Sometimes, the management denies in providing proper recognition to the potential employees. Consequently, it affects the workability of that particular employee. Moreover, the unequal treatment could make an employee unfaithful to the organization. Most of the employees feel that they are not obtaining the desired promotion due to the unfair treatment of the organizatio n. Thompson (2016) has discussed that the employee being treated differently in the organization can cause the stress and the low morale among the staffs. Hence, it would affect the employees performance and productivity. In this context, if I feel that I have been treating differently than others in the organization then I would convey this particular issue to the higher management. If the problem arises from the employee level, then it can be assessed that the higher management or my leaders would take strict action against it. However, I have to observe the situation carefully because I need to be sure whether the issue has been created intentionally or not. On the contrary, it would be difficult for me to obtain a resolution quickly, as the management would take the time to analysis the particular situation. On the other hand, if the problem comes from the management level, it would be very difficult for me to highlight that issue to the higher authority. At the initial stage, I need to investigate the reason why my senior manager behaves differently to me. The behavior of the manager depends on several factors. Without shouting at the workplace, I need to handle the entire situation in an effecti ve manner. Firstly, I will start listening to the manager. If the manager shows partiality, I will try to make other employees admit the situation. On the other hand, I would discuss the entire situation with the human resource managers in order to obtain an effective work culture at the workplace. If I try to resolve the situation where my manager misunderstood me, then I would reach out directly to that particular person in order to discuss my issues. I would not waste time to spread my emotions to everyone else when I could simply explain my intentions to the person who treated me wrong at the workplace. Sometimes, the apologies can resolve the issues in an efficient manner. If possible, I would like to apologize to my senior managers so that the problem can be resolved in an easy manner. Sometimes, the misunderstanding creates huge difficulties in maintaining the good relation with the higher manager of the organization. Sue, Rasheed and Rasheed (2015) have discussed that the unfair leaders are responsible for providing mental agony to the employees. It not only decreases the production of the business but also devalue the brand in the large marketplace. In recent years, the managers often attack the employees through their sarcasm. The unfair boss might humiliate the employees through different ways. They send the emails to the individual containing the personal attacks. Moreover, the unfair managers could publicly humiliate the employees in restrained ways. In this context, being an employee, I would address the unfair treatment of other employees or the managers to the higher authority in order to obtain the fair work culture. Without identifying the particular issues with quick response, I would not be able to uphold my performance in the organizations. Consequently, it might create a negative impression on my career graph. I would send an email to the higher authority mentioning the issue that I have been facing at the workplace. I would mention on that particular mail that due to receiving unfair treatment at the workplace; I am unable to execute my allocated tasks in a proper manner. Hence, it can be assured that the higher authority would take serious action against this particular issue because the prime objective of the organization is to obtain the high production from each employee involved in the business. The reverse situation can occur in the workplace. The managers could treat me fairly, and my colleague may face challenges in upholding the performance due to inequality in the business. In this situation, I would advise the particular employees in sharing his experiences with the manager who has been treating the employee unfairly. On the other hand, the employees facing this particular issue could complain to the management about the situation. Without addressing the issue in an efficient manner, the employees would not be able to improve the situation at the workplace. On the other hand, the employees need to highlight the fact that the unequal treatment in the organization has been creating challenges for them in retaining enhanced performance at the workplace. By discussing the outcomes of the situation, it can be assessed that the management would take strong action against the unfair policy in the business, as they focus on the productivity of the employees rather creating complex workplace situation. However, it would be difficult to obtain righteousness at the workplace within the short timeframe if the problem arises from the managerial level. The higher authority would not avoid in providing the right solutions to the challenges, as they might understand that the particular situations would affect the business in an efficient manner. On the other hand, the management of the organization would focus on analyzing such issues in order to improve the work culture in the workplace. As per my point of view, the management would not ignore such issues of the employees due to retaining the business values in the market. It has been seen that the unfair employee treatment would cause a decrement of the brand value of the organization. Consequently, it would create challenges in obtaining profitable outcome from the business. Besides this, I think the higher authority would take serious action against the challenges of the employees, as the company always intends to uphold enhanced work culture at the workplace for experiencing the high production. In the competitive market, all companies try to maintain the healthy work culture at the workplace in order to obtain high business growth in the market. Hence, I can assess that the organization would not avoid resolving such issues that could prevent the growth of the business. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the workforce diversity facilitates in enhancing the organizational performance in an efficient manner. The particular assignment highlights the impact of workforce diversity into the business. Besides this, the influence of the equality at the workplace has also been discussed in this particular assignment. Without implementing the equality into the business, the organization would not be able to enhance the business opportunities in an appropriate manner. References: Barak, M.E.M., 2013.Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications. Elwr, S., Harryson, L., Bolin, M. and Hammarstrm, A., 2013. Patterns of gender equality at workplaces and psychological distress.PloS one,8(1), p.e53246. Harvey, C.P. and Allard, M., 2015.Understanding and managing diversity. Pearson. Sue, D.W., Rasheed, M.N. and Rasheed, J.M., 2015.Multicultural Social Work Practice: A Competency-Based Approach to Diversity and Social Justice. John Wiley Sons. Thompson, N., 2016.Anti-discriminatory practice: Equality, diversity and social justice. Palgrave Macmillan. Villarreal, J.C., Cargill, D.C., Hagborg, A., Soderstrom, L. and Renzaglia, K.S., 2014. A synthesis of hornwort diversity: Patterns, causes and future work.Phytotaxa,9(1), pp.150-166.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Lab Report on Paper Towels free essay sample

The purpose of this experiment is to find out which brand of paper towel, Decorator or Sparkle, is stronger and more absorbent. Of the two brands that will be tested, the Sparkle brand will absorb the most liquid because it has the â€Å"thirst† pockets and will be the strongest because it feels thicker. Materials and Methods For the first experiment we did the test for strength. We used a 600 mL beaker which we placed the sample paper towel over the opening of the beaker. The size of the sample towel was . 234 m2. The paper towel was held it in place with a standard rubber band that was wrapped around the top of the beaker one time. We then took 5 mL of water and poured onto the paper towel. The weights that we used were 27 g each. The weights were placed on the paper towel one weight at a time until the paper towel ripped. We will write a custom essay sample on Lab Report on Paper Towels or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The total amount of weight that it took to rip the paper towel was recorded. The process was then repeated for the second brand of paper towel. For the second experiment we did a test for absorbency. We used a graduated cylinder which was filled with 100 mL of water. The paper towel, which was . 234 m2, was immersed into the water for 15 seconds. The paper towel was removed from the water and allowed to drip until the drips were 25 seconds apart. At that time, the amount of water that was left in the cylinder was recorded. The difference in what was left and the amount that was originally in the cylinder is the amount of liquid that each paper towel held. The process was then repeated for the second brand of paper towel. The independent variable for the experiment was the paper towels. The dependent variable was the absorbency and strength. The constants for the experiment were the size of the paper towels that were used, the amount of water, the size of the beaker, the size of the cylinder and the amount of the weight. Results The results of the experiment for the test of strength were that the Sparkle brand proved to be the strongest. The average amount that the paper towel would hold before ripping was 583. 6 g, which was 159. 2 g more than the Decorator brand held. The Decorator brand only held 424. 4 g before it ripped. The results of the experiment for the test of absorbency were that the Sparkle brand proved to be the most absorbent. The average amount of liquid that the Sparkle brand paper towel held was 17. 4 mL, which was 4. 6 mL more than the Decorator brand held.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Analysis of Southwest Airlines Essays

Analysis of Southwest Airlines Essays Analysis of Southwest Airlines Paper Analysis of Southwest Airlines Paper Analysis of Southwest Airlines Module: Business Management Vanessa Eelma Alyssa Julianna Farkas Thomas Schillinger Peter Lukacs Attila Radvanszki Adam Radvanszki 29th November, 2010 Word Count : XXXX Contents 1. Introduction3 2. Literature Review4 2. 1General Introduction of Theories Used4 2. 2SWOT Analysis4 2. 3External Factors4 2. 4Organizational Structures4 2. 5Hofstede’s Theory5 2. 6Cultural Elements5 2. 7Motivation5 3Analysis of Southwest Airlines5 3. 1Industry5 3. 2Company’s Overview6 3. 3SWOT Analysis7 . 4External Analysis8 3. 5Organizational Structure8 3. 6Hofstede’s Theory9 3. 7Organizational Culture9 3. 8Motivation10 4. Conclusion and Recommendations11 5. References11 6. Appendices13 1. Introduction The chosen company for the analysis is called Southwest Airlines. It’s operating in the tourism industry, providing air travel. The company’s main differentiating attribute from its competitors is the main reason for our choice. The business is known for its cabin crew and outstanding customer service. This is proven by numerous prizes and awards that the company has won in the last three decades. In 2008, TIME. com ranked the company as the #1 Friendliest Airlines. According to their website their aim is: â€Å"To get the passengers to their destination safely and comfortably with a laugh or two along the way†. It is their attitude that caught our attention and encouraged us to analyze it in a deeper matter. The organization allows their employees to be innovative and individual with their daily tasks and duties. This ensures a pleasant work environment for the employees who then provide a good service to the customers. One of the qualities of Southwest airlines is „to do things differently†- meaning for example the explaining of safety regulations is made more entertaining by the cabin crew’s rapping while the customers are clapping along with the beat. A clip on Youtube of the described scenario got over 300  000 views and put the Southwest Airlines in the media light. This shows how outstanding organizational thinking and great human relations in treating the employees as individuals and letting them contribute with innovation can create an authentically friendly image and trough that, differentiate from the competitors on the market and achieve success. We believe that Southwest Airlines is a very successful company in its industry, and will continue being it if the organization’s management sticks to this spirit and open minded way of thinking. 2. Literature Review 2. 1 General Introduction of Theories Used To strategically analyse an organization, there are certain analytical techniques that come in handy. Firstly, we have chosen the SWOT analysis to evaluate the internal and external components. More closely, we look into the details of the external factors to see how the business is affected by them. Secondly, we decided to get insights into the company’s structure and decision making process. Thirdly, we decided to analyse the cultural effects and factors through Hofstede’s theory. We also go into more details to comprehend the company’s national culture. Last but not least, we decided to see what kind of motivation systems are used in this company. 2. 2 SWOT Analysis According to Tatum (2010), the SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool that includes external and internal factors and is utilized by businesses and other organizations to ensure that there is a clear objective defined for the project or venture, and that all factors related to the effort positive and negative are identified and addressed. The process of SWOT involves four areas of consideration: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 2. External Factors External factors of a business organisation can be divided into two parts: Macro-environment and Micro-environment. Macro-environment factors are the SLEPT factors: Social, Legal, Economic, Political and Technological. These factors affect the decisions of the managers. Micro-environment factors are much less controllable. Certain industries are also affected by Porter’s â€Å"Five Forces† model (especially the air travel industry). 2. 4 Organizational Structures This refers to the way an organization arranges its employees and jobs in order to meet their goals. If the group is very small and there is active communication, a formal structure is often not necessary. However, if we are dealing with a larger organization, it is often harder to make decisions and therefore, there must be established procedure for tasks and responsibilities’ allocation. 2. 5 Hofstede’s Theory Hofstedes research gives us insights into other cultures so that we can be more effective when interacting with people in other countries. It includes areas, such as Power Distance, Masculinity, Individualism, Uncertainty Awareness, and Long-Term Orientation. . 6 Cultural Elements According to Bauer and Erdogan (2009), culture may not be immediately observable, identifying a set of values that might be used to describe an organization’s culture helps us identify, measure, and manage culture more effectively. The organization culture profile described by Bauer and Erdogan includes 7 main dimensions – innovative, aggressive, outcome-oriented, stable , people-oriented, team-oriented, and detail oriented ( (Please see the Appendix 1 for visual information). 2. 7 Motivation Motivation consists of internal and external factors that stimulate the desire and energy in people to be interested and committed to a job. They put persistent effort into their jobs in order to reach the goals. 2 Analysis of Southwest Airlines 3. 8 Industry The recent economical and financial downturn severely impacted the airline industry in 2009 and brought only small increases in 2010. The recession negatively influenced the discretional income of travellers. More precisely, the leisure travellers’ and business travellers’ budget changes resulted with a sudden decrease in their demand. Therefore, corporate policies tightened and generally the demand for travelling decreased. On the other hand, demand for substitute products, such as video conferences and surface travel, has increased. As a result, many airlines, including Southwest Airlines, responded with capacity cuts and fare discounting. On the other hand, Southwest used the opportunity also to further expand and because of its low-fare services, it could enter new markets as well. 3. 9 Company’s Overview Southwest Airlines is described on the NASDAQ profile as â€Å"a major passenger airline that provides scheduled air transportation in the US†. The company primarily serves short-haul routes, but over the recent years they have expanded their services to medium and long-haul routes as well. Their unique feature is that it only operates with Boeing 737 as it is a domestic low cost carrier company and it was necessary to have aircrafts that are easy to maintain and repair. If a company only uses one type of aircraft, the technical issues are easy to minimize. It is important to mention that according to its annual report (2009), its low fare system and point-to-point service, despite the overall decline in the aviation industry in the 2009 recession; Southwest expanded by opening four new routes ( New York, Minneapolis, Boston and Milwaukee). Based on the most recent data available from the U. S. Department of Transportation, it was the largest air carrier in the United States (measured by the number of originating passengers boarded). Today, the company’s headquarter is in Dallas, Texas and employs 34,726 people. Based on the company’s NASDAQ profile and according to the annual report of Datamonitor, Southwest recorded revenues of $10,350 million during the financial year ending in December 2009, a decrease of 6. 1% compared to 2008. The operating profit of the company was $262 million during 2009, a decrease of 41. 6% compared to 2008. The net profit was $99 million in 2009, a decrease of 44. 4% compared to FY2008. Their New York Stock Exchange ticket is LUV, which is cleverly used also in their internal and external marketing as well, connecting it as an easy going way of saying LOVE. 3. 10 SWOT Analysis Strengths Applying Herb Kellehers unorthodox leadership style, which executes a different hierarchical framework to solve the customer problems more efficiently. Employees can ask for advice more flexibly because if necessary they can go around the direct superiors. * Unique features: â€Å"Bags fly free †promotion,â€Å" Ding desktop gadget for tickets and an â€Å"Online T ravel Guide Community† feature. * Providing point-to-point, and low cost service. Which results in the optimizing the key assets (aircraft, gates, and employees). * Specialâ€Å"In-Flight Entertainment† as product differentiation. * Saving maintenance expenses by using the same air carrier. Using SWABIZ a free online reservation tool specifically designed for business travellers. * Executing a remarkable fuel hedge strategy that saves the airline vast number of costs every year. Weaknesses * Not using the usual â€Å"Reserved Seating† and seat scaling of different classes. * Being dependent on a single manufacturer (Boeing) * Onlyon domestic market. Opportunities * Room for expansion still exists (national and international markets). * Rapid growth of Hispanic population could serve as the basis of a new marketing campaign targeting the Hispanic youth as their future target segment. Offering private flights designed for business travellers, Southwest could reach out to a very profitable segment. * Investing in technology could increase the company’s profitability by reducing costs or by offering more unique services. Threats * Satisfying the passengers’ demand of different classes without scattering the image. * Since the pilots’ average fly ing hours were above the industry’s hours and the flight attendants are cleaning the planes, employee dissatisfaction could increase and result in lower customer service. Constant updates on competitors’ online ticket reservation systems. * The economic phenomenon of fuel price fluctuation. * The security issues after 9/11. * The appearance of legal regulations that might impact the use of Boeing 737 (noise reduction policies etc. ) To correctly interpret the above data, it is important to realise that Southwest has much less weaknesses than strengths, both external and internal. In addition, if we carefully observe those weaknesses, they are actually the characteristic features of low cost carriers. Therefore, they are not considered as real weaknesses that could ultimately be solved in the future. Moreover, the unique fuel hedge strategy they have protects them from most external threats. The organizational culture they have developed protects them from most internal threats. 3. 11 External Analysis In case of the Airline industry, this is the most important force nowadays, since the market is completely oversupplied. However, Southwest has performed extremely well in recent years but the new low-cost entrants remain as potential threats. 3. 2 Organizational Structure The organizational structure of Southwest is a typical hierarchical structure – centralized and formal. According to Rivera et al. (2003), only the Executive Vice Presidents and top managers have the task of reporting directly to the CEO and they are also the ones who are responsible for making strategic decisions that are significant for the future of the organization. It seems that the CEO and top managem ent team trust the middle managers. Moreover, the top managers make themselves available to employees on the front line. Southwest has a „Loose tight design† (Buller 2006). Employees are encouraged to try new things because they have an informal job description. In addition, they are also given the freedom to innovate as long as they keep the necessary safety standards. They do what is necessary in order to satisfy the customer needs. Besides the customer awareness system the company provides â€Å"room to grow†. The top management team develops leadership and communication skills for lower level management, and 90% of supervisory positions are filled internally. Therefore, it follows both a mechanistic model and an organic model. The first model is used on the upper level (corporate office and cabin crew) and the organic model is used where safety and time is not of high priority. 3. 13 Hofstede’s Theory * Power distance: Employees have informal job descriptions and are encouraged to be innovative. We can say the less powerful members of the organisation accept that power is distributed unequally because they are satisfied how they are treated. * Uncertainty avoidance: It’s quite low because employees are not afraid of ambiguous situations. Roles are less written down than among other competitors. Employees use their image and knowledge. * Individualism: Team work is an essential requirement at Southwest. However, the evaluation of employees is based on individual performances (e. g. collecting compliment cards from passengers can result in promotions). * Masculinity: Southwest Airlines is a feminine company. Cooperation plays significant role; the atmosphere is friendly and the stress level is low. * Long-Term Oriented: They have a way of thinking and acting that it is better to move at a slow pace and do it well. The proof of that is the fact how many restrictions they had in the beginning yet made it to the level they are at today. 3. 14 Organizational Culture Southwest Airlines has a very team-oriented culture. They cross-train their employees so that when there is any need, they can help each other. Furthermore, the company emphasizes on the importance of intact work team. They have daily meetings twice a day („Morning overview meeting† and „Daily afternoon discussion†). In those meetings, they try to understand the problems and potential solutions as a team. Moreover, when the company hires people, one of the key characteristics that they look for is being a team player. If the candidate doesn’t fit those criteria, he/she is not hired. This is a great culture, as the interpersonal relationships in the company are much less tense and less competitive, which eventually creates a positive work atmosphere and employee loyalty to the company. Not only is there a good attitude among the employees, but also among the workers and their managers. Even though Service is not included in those dimensions, Southwest Airlines is very strong in that area too. This means that the employees are taught to serve the customers well (â€Å"The customer is the king†). Employees have the power to decide to solve issues with the customers – they decide on the right course of action as they have direct contact with the customers (Please see Appendix 2 for more details). 3. 15 Motivation Southwest Airlines is a perfect example of how the employees are motivated to such high degree that they „Luv† their job. The employees can come to work dressed in shorts, sneakers, and polo shirts. They’re encouraged to be positive and joke around (hence the name „Fun-in-the-sky airline†). The CEO, Herb Keller, believes that a company is stronger if it is bound by love, rather than fear. Southwest Airlines has become one of the most loved companies in the world and even their mission explains why – „Employees are our first customers†. It makes sense – if you treat the employees well, they treat the customers well. They send cards to all of their employees on their birthdays, anniversary of employment, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Furthermore, they have fun competitions held regularly (e. g. Halloween costume contest, Thanksgiving poem contest, an Annual Chilli Cook-off). They have also received awards for being the best for on-time performance and baggage handling and the least complaint receiving, which also motivates the employees. The employees are also rewarded and recognized if they have performed outstandingly. 4. Conclusion and Recommendations Alyssa 5. References 1. Southwest Airlines (Internet) Available from:†¹ southwest. com/about_swa/why_fly_southwest. html †º [Accessed on November 24. 2010] 1. Youtube (Internet) Available from: †¹ youtube. com/watch? v=tnOxvbGOTbM †º [Accessed on November 24. 010] 2. Naylor, J. (2004), Management, Prentice Hall Financial Times, the United Kingdom 3. Bauer, T. amp; Erdogan, B. (2009) â€Å"Organizational Behaviour† Available from : †¹ flatworldknowledge. com/node/28971#web-28971†º [Accessed on November 24. 2010] 4. Nelson, B. (2002) â€Å"Motivation Matters : Southwest Employees LUV their job† Available from : †¹http://meetingsnet. com/corporatemeetingsincentives/meetings_motivation_matters_southwest/†º [Accessed on November 24. 2010] 5. Tatum, M. (2010) â€Å"What is SWOT Analysis? † Available from: lt; isegeek. com/what-is-swot-analysis. htmgt; [Accessed on November 23. 2010] 6. ‘May 2009 Airline Traffic Data: System Traf fic Down from May 2008’ Available from: lt; bts. gov/press_releases/2009/bts039_09/pdf/bts039_09. pdfgt; [Accessed on November 23. 2010] 7. Southwest Airlines (2010) Available from: lt; southwest. comgt; [Accessed on November 23. 2010] 8. (2010) Southwest NASDAQ profile Available from: lt;http://quotes. nasdaq. com/asp/SummaryQuote. asp? symbol=LUVamp;selected=LUVgt; [Accessed on November 23. 010] 9. Southwest Annual Profile (2010) Available form: †¹ datamonitor. com/store/Product/southwest_airlines_co? productid=DEFBDE99-9B78-4A63-BE9C-7EA7568D476E†º [Accessed on November 23. 2010] 10. Heynold, Y. and Rosander, J. (2006) â€Å"A new organizational model for airlines† Available from: †¹https://www. mckinseyquarterly. com/A_new_organizational_model_for_airlines_1700†º [Accessed on November 23. 2010] 11. Unknown Author, â€Å"The Airline Industry And Porter Five Model Forces† (2010) Available from: †¹ oppapers. om/essays/Airline-Industry-P orter-Five-Model-Forces/122555†º [Accessed on November 23. 2010] 12. â€Å"Organizational Culture and Management at Southwest Airlines† (2009) Available from: †¹ docstoc. com/docs/9480710/Organizational-Culture-and-Management-at-Southwest-Airlines†º [Accessed on November 23. 2010] 13. Brews, P. J. amp; Tucci, C. L. (2004), â€Å"Organizational Structure† Available from: †¹ oppapers. com/essays/Airline-Industry-Porter-Five-Model-Forces/122555†º [Accessed on November 23. 2010] 6. Appendices Appendix 1: The Organization Culture Profile Appendix 2:

Friday, November 22, 2019

About Tun Mahathir

They were married in August 1956. They were given seven children that is Marina (now known as Datin Paduka Marina), Mirzan, Melinda, Mokhzani (now known as Datuk Mohzani), Mukriz (now known as Datuk Mukriz), Maizura and Mazhar. Tun Dr. Mahathir was opened his own clinic with Dr. Siti Hasmah at Jalan Tunku Ibrahim, Alor Setar. The clinic was named MAHA. It was the first malay clinic in Kedah. The clinic was opened after his contract with the government expired. He was appointed as Chairman of first Higher Education Council 1968, Member of the Higher Education Advisory Council in 1972, Member of The University Court and University of Malaya Council, and Chairman of the National University Council in 1974 because of his deep interest in education. When he be the Minister Of Education, he planning formation of Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) and also give more opportunity to malay student for continuing their study at the institute of Higher Education. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad was appointed as Deputy Prime Minister when Tun Hussein Onn was third Prime Minister of Malaysia. As he be the Education Minister, Dr Mahathir was promoted to be the ministry of Trade and Industry in 1978. He also the Chairman of Investment Committee of the cabinet. On July 16, 1981, Dr Mahathir was appointed as fourth Prime Minister at age of 55 because the third Prime Minister, Tun Hussein Onn resign because of health problem. He was called â€Å"Father of Modernisation in Malaysia† and was the longer leader that lead Malaysia from 16 July 1981 until 31 October 2003. Dr Mahathir was the first Prime Minister that not been educate in Britain. During be the Prime Minister, he changed global perception of Malaysia. During 22 years leading Malaysia, many progresses and development he done. Dr Mahathir had been control the world economy when it was downturn. The mission that he plan and target always getting the target. Dr Mahathir has changed the basic economic sectors of the country from an agricultural based to an industrial-based country. In early 1980, Dr Mahathir decided to various dependence on commodities. Moreover, he had introduced Malaysia Incorporated Policy where Malaysia were assumed as the company and the people as the employees and the shareholders. Dr. Mahathir was managed a mega project he trigger that is Multimedia Super Corridor(MSC). This project realized by Dr Mahathir because he was interest in information and communications technology (ICT) in today’s commercial world and the future. Among the mega projects that he developed when being a ‘CEO’ Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur International Airpot (KLIA), Jalil National Stadium, the Sepang International Circuit, a prestigious motorsport racing, Formula One and the Petronas Twin Towers. Over 22 years, Dr Mahathis led Malaysia, Malaysia was being to the arena of excellence. As a developing country and a leading Islamic country Malaysia getting success and being recognized to the world.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Trends in Labor in the United States Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Trends in Labor in the United States - Assignment Example Ltd., 2013). Another factor that contributes to the growth of outsourcing is the availability of cheaper labor offered by some countries, without sacrificing the quality of the products or services (Flatworld Solutions Pvt. Ltd., 2013). Aside from work expertise and cheap cost of labor that a company can gain from outsourcing, their resources can be focused on the more essential aspects of their business. Outsourcing presents several advantages and disadvantages for both corporations and the domestic economy. Some of the advantages of outsourcing are the swiftness and expertise of the outsourced labor, the concentration on the crucial business processes rather on the minor ones, the risk sharing between the outsourced vendor and the organization outsourcing and the reduction in the operational and recruitment costs (Flatworld Solutions Pvt. Ltd., 2013). Outsourcing has its drawbacks too. These include the risk of exposing the organization’s confidential information, lack of control with schedules and delivery times, possible hidden costs and a lack of concern for the customers’ needs (Flatworld Solutions Pvt. Ltd., 2013). A significant effect of outsourcing on the US labor market is the rise in the unemployment rate among Americans. The technological and engineering jobs are mostly diverted to India and China which offers lower wage rates but matched with superior talent (Miah, 2007). The bottom line for most companies is that outsourcing gives better profits. Nationalism is put aside because the business decision makers consider their responsibility to their shareholders the priority (Miah, 2007). The result of this attitude is the American working middle class are up in arms against outsourcing (Miah, 2007). Another major effect of outsourcing on the US labor market is the weakening of the workers’ bargaining power. Since it is very easy for

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

American Government and Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

American Government and Politics - Essay Example 2. The Pork-Barrel legislation was a catalyst to add more jobs to the economy. This allowed congress to approve more than 13,000 earmarks worth about $67 billion. However if this was banned, earmarks could not converted into cash. Since Congress has limited time debating, it is critical, eliminating pork might reduce federal budgeting. Banning pork would indicate that budgets would have to go the traditional budget process. The unique thing about pork was the fact that it ranked the requests based upon the urgency of the bill. That eliminated the desire of Congress to pursue its own sel-interests that were never reviewed by bureaucrats. If â€Å"pork† was truly eliminated, congress would lose the legal understanding for the domestic spending that is needed in local projects such as public infrastructure, education, medicare, and etc. However, â€Å"pork† would also eliminate the unnecessary funding that goes to support federal prison. Currently, many lobbyists continue to propagate and being rewarded for their campaign contributions towards this agenda. Pork barreling allows an individual to extend the power. For example, a defense contributor might engage in pork barreling by re-electing his local elective. Assignment 2 Select ONE of the following scenarios  for the assigned chapters and complete the Critical Analysis questions.   Your written response must be at least 100 words in support of your position on the questions.   Be sure to note the chapter number and feature in your response. The advent of social network without a doubt has made a critical impact towards enhancing or degrading the popularity of an individual. During the 2008 run, Obama became an expert at penetrating the social media networking resources and using it for his own benefits. Obama was successfully able to use twitter and post videos on youtube to gain momentum throughout the election. Twitter was essential to his campaign as it enabled him to spread his

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Legislation affecting schools Essay Example for Free

Legislation affecting schools Essay Linked to the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights. Under this Act individuals in the UK have particular rights and freedoms however these have to balance against the rights and freedoms of others. Some articles which have a direct link to education/schools are: Article 2: The first protocol – the right to education (however this does not mean the right to a particular school). Article 8: The right to respect for private and family life. Article 10: The right to freedom of expression. Restraints of pupils are permitted under the Act however each school has their own policy and procedure for this. All children have a right to an education. Pupils have a freedom of expression. Data Protection Act 1998 Means that schools need to keep and use information only for the purpose it was intended. It also needs to be kept securely on site, either locked away in a filing cabinet or on a password protected computer. If required to update and pupil information this should be done on site and not be taken off site to complete. All information about pupils should be considered confidential and must not be shared with others without parental consent. When discussing pupils with other members of staff you should make sure that only necessary information is shared The school is protected over personal information it holds The school should issue a letter informing parents of how pupil data is protected. Schools must follow the act over how they handle data (password computers, locked cabinets). Staff need to be aware of this and reminded. Freedom of Information Act 2000 Introduced in 2005 to promote transparency and accountability in the public sector. It is retrospective and information can be sought from any time in  the past. Any person can request information for a school however this must be done in writing. Schools have a duty to provide assistance and advice to anyone who requests information but on the other hand they must evaluate the situation if they need to protect the information for confidentiality. The DCFS has produced guidance for schools and governing bodies to give advice about requesting information. Parents/students have the right to request information held by schools and local authorities. Information for information must be done in writing. Equality of Opportunity Sex Discrimination The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 makes it unlawful for education establishments to directly or indirectly discriminate pupils based on their sex, gender or sexual orientation. Admissions policies are available to be seen at hand. Local authorities are also under general duty to ensure that educational facilities and services are provided without sex discrimination. Many bodies can be held responsible for discrimination under the SDA. Race Discrimination The law states that all schools or colleges must not discriminate against people on the grounds of race in any of its policies or practices including admissions policies. All local educational authorities also have a legal duty not to discriminate. Local educational authorities have a duty to have a race equality policy and should take steps to discourage racial attacks. All schools should follow the local authority policies. Disability Discrimination Act To protect disable people from discrimination in the workplace and in the provisions. All schools have a duty to make adjustments that may be needed to ensure that the child is made welcome and is supported at all times. Schools must adhere to the Equality Act 2010. Schools cannot discriminate against pupils because of their sex, sexual orientation or gender. Children are taught about equality and diversity. No sexist book or exams. Toys that are accessible must be accessible to all. Ensure they have a Racial Discrimination Act. Have a duty to protect pupils against abuse or violence. Must no discriminate against anyone because of their race Relates to class rooms as well- all work displayed not discriminating. Schools must adhere to inclusive education. They cannot exclude on the grounds of disability or special needs. The head teacher must seek advice if needed from local authorities. Schools must have accessible resources. Staff training days to update knowledge. Special Educational Needs Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Act Special educational need also known as SENDA. It is unlawful for educational providers to treat disabled children â€Å"less favorably† than they would other children. institutions are required to make â€Å"adjustments† for example providing aids like ramps. LEAs and schools plan together to make the access easier for disabled children. All registered early years providers must have a written SEN policy and a SENCO. They should also make arrangements for staff to participate in any relevant training. All pupils must not be excluded from any aspects of school due to the disability. Legislation will affect how the schools are run as they will need to comply fully with legal requirements. Schools may need to ask advice and guidance if and when needed this will usually be through the governing bodies. Special Educational Needs Code of Practice SEN code of practice, parents and SEN children have an increased right to a mainstream education. This may have an impact on the number of children who have SEN being included in mainstream schools and on the number of individual support assistants who will support them. Training and implications have been put in to place in order to support individuals and schools must now manage pupils with a more diverse range of need. Schools need to ensure they make reasonable provisions to ensure people with SEN are provided with the same opportunities as those who are not disabled. Could be through 1:1 support or building adaptions e.g. disabled toilets, ramps and sensory rooms. The school must make the best decisions to provide best values for the child with special needs. For example: a child may receive a considerable amount of IPS (Individual pupil funding) and the school must decide the best way to use this support for the child’s needs. Sources: www.yourrights.org.uk www.adviseguide.org.uk www.kingston.gov.uk

Thursday, November 14, 2019

ISO 18001 :: essays research papers

In this report we will look at how the LaingOrourke Safety Management System (SMS) meets the criteria of; OHSAS 18001 and how the LaingOrourke SMS policy can also be mapped across it. In the mapping document (see below in file two) I have laid out in the first column the 18001 clauses; in the second column I have laid out what the clause is. In the third column I have laid out the section of the SMS that matches the criteria of 18001, the fourth column identifies what is in that section of the SMS to correspond to it. The fifth column shows how the LaingOrourke Health and Safety Policy comply with the relevant sections of 18001. Throughout the mapping I have identified in Bold where the LaingOrourke SMS and their policy comply with OHSAS 18001, I have also added in where secondary references meet the requirements also, (not in bold) It is very important that companies have suitable and sufficient SMS that details their commitment to the Health and Safety of their employees, companies have a moral, humane and legal duty to do it, the reasons for monitoring and reviewing is because there is a legal requirement to do so under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Reducing the human and financial costs of accidents and the loss of public image of the organization. I Prior to OHSAS 18001, HS (G) 65 was used to ascertain if British businesses SMS were suitable and sufficient, this gave the safety professional a sort of systematic and methodical approach to gauge how a business that he was advising or auditing were managing the business of health and Safety. HSG 65 is readily recognizable as the "Five Steps to Successful Health and Safety Management HS (G) 65" published by the 'Health and Safety Executive. 1. Set your policy. 2. Organize the staff. 3. Plan and set standards. 4. Measure the performance. 5. Audit and review - learn from experience. But within British businesses there was no way to obtain confidence in their systems like the confidence that they felt they had in ISO 9001 quality and ISO 14001 Environmental auditing. On both these ISO’s there were the benefits of being audited by an independent third party and certification to prove that the organization was meeting the standards, as a response to this Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001 (OHSAS 18001) was published as a BSI specification in 1999. The full title of the document was Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems - Specification.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Microsoft: A case in cross-company transformation Essay

One of the key challenges facing this company is the lack of proper innovation. Most of the products that are produced by the company for the past years are mainly influenced the existing products from their competitors. This is very evident from the fact that the Windows operating system was much influenced by UNIX which had been incorporated in the Apple operating systems. Also, Microsoft office suite was greatly influenced by lotus and also word perfect. The lack of innovation in Microsoft Company does not stop here (Terwiesch & Ulrich, n.d.). It has gone further to produce the product that is similar to those that are on the market. This browser, internet explorer resembled Netscape and recently they have produced a search engine Bing, which is very similar to Google. This implies that there is a continuous strategy that is followed by Microsoft when it keeps on producing imitations of other products with the help of very heavy managers of marketing to help in promoting these par ticular products among the people in the bid to get a very big share in the market. Due to this, it can be easily criticized that despite the fact that million dollars have been used on the search engine Bing, it has not offered anything worthwhile or anything that can be termed as extra better as compared to whatever is being offered by the search engine google however, it is expected that Bing would contain some more features as compared to google. This would mean that Bing will contain a little more features that are not available for google. This is only thin that may favor the low profile Bing and give it an added advantage to Bing and give a better platform to the users. I realize that without getting proper innovation ideas, it will be very difficult for Microsoft to generate the same amount of profit and sustain this amount that they are currently earning backed up by the company’s cash cow which is Microsoft office and also Microsoft windows. Going by the I production of this Microsoft cloud computing, Microsoft has to prepare itself very well for the purpose of the incoming web based computing and not give much attention to their traditional desktop computing. For it to continue with the innovations, it has to be very careful on how to plan the prices that it will be charging for its operating systems and its applications which are usually available free of charge through the internet (Vermesan & Friess, n.d.). It should now continue with the innovations on the basis of its new Bing search engine and make sure that there are some unique features and this will give it enough reasons to the customers as to why they should consider this parti cular search engine. Microsoft should try to analyze this issues keenly and tap resources and extract its full potentials for the purpose of innovation. Addressing this challenges will help Microsoft in the future in a lot of ways. For instance, it will make sure that Microsoft is stable in the market and that the competition that it may receive from other competitors in the market will not derail it (Terwiesch & Ulrich, n.d.). Addressing this challenges will make sure that Microsoft Company gets unique features that stand out in various ways thus rendering the company a unique and different face in the market thus more customers will be drawn and maintained in the company for the purpose of the unique products. Low pricing strategy.If this company adhere to this strategy strictly, it will now be very differentiating candidly among the monopolistic practices that it had adopted previously on the basis of their operating systems. Microsoft company can just continue to operate under this strategy and also provide its regular products but maintain the price at its minimum and this will go a long way helping Microsoft in that it will be very difficult for other new entrants to diffuse into the market (Vermesan & Friess, n.d.) .aided by this low pricing strategy, Microsoft a s accompany will gain a lot of popularity by reaching out very many users. This will see Microsoft gain a very large market share .this will work effectively since the majority of the users will prefer to use the low price products and services as compared to the pricey ones. Another strategy that Microsoft can use is the no-frills strategy. Due to the introduction of the cloud computing idea, the majority of the computing will be online based and this means that the customer loyalty to the web-based applications and online soft wares is foreseen to be low. This means that customers can change their online web-based applications and the software if they are given good quality products at relatively reduced prices (Vermesan & Friess, n.d.). If Microsoft keeps their main focus on the innovations, this idea will be attractive to the customers that are price sensitive and do not care about the product quality. If this strategy is adopted by Microsoft, it can retain its customers while ensuring that their customers get best products with reduced prices. I would strongly recommend these particular initiatives to be implemented in Microsoft I at all they are interested in grabbing the future market and through this, they will remain to be the best company that p rovides the services of their kind. Reference Vermesan, O., & Friess, P. Building the hyperconnected society. Terwiesch, C., & Ulrich, K. Innovation Tournaments.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Biography of Ataturk

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk was the founder of the Turkish Republic and its first President. He was born in 1881 to Ali Riza Efendi and Zubeyde Hanim. His father was a militia officer, title deed clerk, and lumber trader. Mustafa Kemal had five siblings, only one of whom survived until 1956 (Biography of Ataturk). Mustafa Kemal lost his father in 1888, at a time when the young boy had been attending school. The boy returned to his birth town, Salonika, to finish his studies after his father’s demise. After his primary education, he joined a secondary school only to be transferred soon to a military institution.Mustafa Kemal attended the Manastir Military School and later the Military School in Istanbul from which he graduated with the rank of lieutenant in the year 1902 (Biography of Ataturk). The young man entered the Military Academy afterwards and graduated with the rank of major in the year 1905. This began Mustafa Kemal’s career as a soldier. Between 1905-1907, the man w as stationed with the 5th Army in Damascus. He was promoted to the rank of senior major in 1907, and was posted in Manastir with the 3rd Army. When the â€Å"Special Troops† entered Istanbul in 1909, Mustafa Kemal was the Staff Officer of the troops (Biography of Ataturk).The man was sent to Paris in 1910 where he attended the Picardie maneuvers. In 1911, Mustafa Kemal returned to Turkey where he began to work at the General Staff Office in Istanbul. He won the Tobruk battle against the Italians in the same year, after which he was made the Commander of Derne. Mustafa Kemal’s rapid progress as a soldier did not stop here, BIOGRAPHY OF ATATURK Page # 2 however.He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel in 1914 during the Balkan War because his contributions to the recapturing of Dimetoka and Edirne were considerable (Biography of Ataturk). When the First World War began with the involvement of the Ottoman Empire, the man was posted to Tekirdag and charged with th e formation of the 19th Division. Then, at Canakkale, Mustafa Kemal won more accolades for heroism. He was promoted to the rank of colonel after a victory he won in the First World War. Mustafa Kemal went on to win more victories against the Allied forces.At one time, he commanded his soldiers thus: â€Å"I am not giving you an order to attack, I am ordering you to die! (Biography of Ataturk)† Mustafa Kemal was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general in 1916. He returned to Istanbul in 1917 and soon began traveling to Germany with the heir to the throne. To Khalleppo he returned in 1918 as the Commander of the 7th Army. He was successful in his defense wars and soon appointed as the Commander of Yildirim Armies. On 13 November 1918, the man returned again to Istanbul to work at the Ministry of Defense (Biography of Ataturk).Mustafa Kemal went to Samsun as the 9th Army Inspector in 1919 once the Allied forces had begun to take over the Ottoman armies. He called the meeting of the Sivas Congress at this point and also convened the Erzerum Congress to define the path to be followed towards the freedom of Turkey. The initiation of the Turkish Grand National Assembly in 1920 was a significant step in this direction. Mustafa Kemal was elected at this time as the head of the National Assembly as well as the head of the Turkish Republic.With this decision, the Grand National Assembly also started putting into effect the legislative measures required for a successful conclusion to the BIOGRAPHY OF ATATURK Page # 3 Turkish Independence War. This war had begun on 15 May 1919 during the Greek occupation of Izmir. Militia forces called Kuva-yi Milliye had begun their fight against the victors of the First World War who had divided up the Ottoman Empire.The war was concluded when the Turkish Assembly achieved integration between the army and the militia. Under the command of Mustafa Kemal, the Turks recaptured Sarikamis, Kars, and Gumru besides attaining other imp ortant victories (Biography of Ataturk). After the conclusion of the Turkish War of Independence, Mustafa Kemal was free to form a new nation on the Turkish soil – now considerably shrunk through the Treaty of Sevres which had partitioned the Turkish Empire. On 29 October 1923, the Turkish Republic was officially proclaimed and Mustafa Kemal was elected as its first President.Ismet Inonu formed the first government of the Republic, and Mustafa Kemal assumed his position of principle leadership with the twin principles of the Turkish Republic: â€Å"Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the nation† and â€Å"peace at home, peace in the world† (Biography of Ataturk). The man undertook a series of reforms at this point in order to modernize Turkey. He was elected as the Speaker of the Grand Assembly in 1920 and again in 1923. Moreover, in recognition of his efforts, the Turkish National Assembly conferred upon him the surname, â€Å"Ataturk† or the Father T urk and Ancestor Turk on 24 November 1934 (Mango).Ataturk died on 10 November 1938, finally defeated by a liver ailment (Biography of Ataturk). BIOGRAPHY OF ATATURK Page # 4 Works Cited 1. Biography of Ataturk (2007). Retrieved from www. ataturk. com. (27 February 2007). 2. Mango, Andrew. Ataturk: The Biography of the founder of Modern Turkey. New York: John Murray, 2004.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Teleological Suspension Of The Ethical

A clear understanding of what Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) meant by the `suspension of the ethical' can be achieved upon careful study of his wider philosophies on stages or aspects of an individual's life. In this short text I will examine these philosophies, exploring what Kierkegaard meant by each one. I'll then put into context these stages of life by looking at them in relation to that which Kierkegaard's text `Fear and Trembling' (in which he introduces the concept of a teleological suspension of the ethical) is based on: that being the biblical story of Abraham and Isaac. Finally, I'll examine the problems of his theory and explore some of the presumptions and pre-requisites it necessitates. Firstly I find it necessary to understand the context in which Kierkegaard wrote and believed the philosophies we now explore. Kierkegaard's writings were not without a purpose or agenda. His own life was the source by which he details his wider more abstract theories on life in general. He is intrinsically linked to the Christian faith, and he writes with that in the forefront of his mind. Indeed, `Fear and Trembling' itself is based upon a passage of scripture which Kierkegaard examines and bases his points upon. The point Kierkegaard is making ultimately is that he believes that the `religious' stage of life (one of three he feels he has discovered) is the one that means the most and should be desired. Kierkegaard identifies an existential progression between these stages which is, on initial study, contradicted by the passage of scripture he tackles. It is by examining these stages that the answer to the question set can be revealed. The first of these stages is the aesthetic. For Kierkegaard, this is the lowest form of being. For a particular human being to lead an aesthetic existence would require him to indulge purely in sensuous pleasures. The implication in the aesthetic is that only the external provides... Free Essays on Teleological Suspension Of The Ethical Free Essays on Teleological Suspension Of The Ethical A clear understanding of what Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) meant by the `suspension of the ethical' can be achieved upon careful study of his wider philosophies on stages or aspects of an individual's life. In this short text I will examine these philosophies, exploring what Kierkegaard meant by each one. I'll then put into context these stages of life by looking at them in relation to that which Kierkegaard's text `Fear and Trembling' (in which he introduces the concept of a teleological suspension of the ethical) is based on: that being the biblical story of Abraham and Isaac. Finally, I'll examine the problems of his theory and explore some of the presumptions and pre-requisites it necessitates. Firstly I find it necessary to understand the context in which Kierkegaard wrote and believed the philosophies we now explore. Kierkegaard's writings were not without a purpose or agenda. His own life was the source by which he details his wider more abstract theories on life in general. He is intrinsically linked to the Christian faith, and he writes with that in the forefront of his mind. Indeed, `Fear and Trembling' itself is based upon a passage of scripture which Kierkegaard examines and bases his points upon. The point Kierkegaard is making ultimately is that he believes that the `religious' stage of life (one of three he feels he has discovered) is the one that means the most and should be desired. Kierkegaard identifies an existential progression between these stages which is, on initial study, contradicted by the passage of scripture he tackles. It is by examining these stages that the answer to the question set can be revealed. The first of these stages is the aesthetic. For Kierkegaard, this is the lowest form of being. For a particular human being to lead an aesthetic existence would require him to indulge purely in sensuous pleasures. The implication in the aesthetic is that only the external provides...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Understanding the Nature of Ethics in the Landscape of Accounting Essay

Understanding the Nature of Ethics in the Landscape of Accounting - Essay Example It should be understood however, that these sets of rules are minimum guidelines or criteria guidance, because the concrete actions of the public accountant or auditor in particular situations, lies in the general principles of codes themselves and the principles of ethical science enrolled in the within man. A distinctive feature of the audit profession is the recognition and acceptance of the duties to act in the public interest. Therefore, the responsibility of the auditor is not limited exclusively meeting the needs of individual client or employer. Acting in the public interest, the auditor is obliged to respect and obey the rules of professional ethics of auditors. This Code of Ethics for Auditors is a code of professional ethics auditor, i.e. established and widely used in the conduct of the audit rules of conduct of the auditor and audit firm is not required by law. As it is not possible to determine the rules of professional ethics for all situations and circumstances that can confront the auditor in the conduct of audit activities, the Code contains only the basic rules. Abstract There are two basic directions in ethics, ethics of the mind that justifies an action by reference to intention and ethics of the consequence that justifies an action by reference to results. The founda tion of civilized society is based on the ethical values and without these values; the civilized society can fall rapidly. The main purpose of ethics in business is directing men and women to obey code and conducts that encourages the people to have confidence in the products or services offered to them. In the field of accounting, it is the responsibility of the professional accounting organization to provide comprehensive guidelines to the organizations so they can perform their operations by considering ethical values. The purpose of this paper is to explain unethical accounting practices Table of Contents Summary 1 Abstract 2 Discussion 4 1. What is Ethics? 5 2. Accounting ethics 6 3. Ethics & professional practice 6 4. Professional accountancy bodies 7 5. Reason for Developing Ethical Standards 8 5.1. Standards of Reporting 8 5.2. To Ensure Integrity 8 5.3. To Ensure Objectivity 9 5.4. To Maintain the Confidentiality 9 5.5. To Improve the Productivity 9 5.6. To Ensure Professio nal Competence & Due Diligence 9 5.7. Maintaining Professional Behavior 10 6. Why Public Interest and Public trust are Important? 10 7. Why ethics are important in the field of accounting? 10 7.1. Fraud 11 7.2. Accuracy 11 7.3. Macro Economic Issues 12 Conclusion 12 References 12 Understanding the Nature of Ethics in the Landscape of Accounting Introduction Ethics related to business operation is currently treated as burning question due to thrilling scandals that have caused economical turmoil’s in several countries. These astounding business scandals raise many questions about the integrity and morality of accountants and businessman. It is critical argued by many economists that accountants are the main reason behind the deterioration of the ethical standards of a business. Following the collapse of WorldCom and Enron in year 2002, International Federation of Accountant (IFAC) published a report with title â€Å"Rebuilding public confidence in financial reporting – an international perspective†. Findings of the report concluded that financial disorders of corporations were the upshots of problems related to improper management of ethical standards. The report identified that to increase confidence of public in financial repo

Saturday, November 2, 2019

FS2003C Investment Analysis assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

FS2003C Investment Analysis assignment - Essay Example The conclusion will be description and reasons for the company chosen to invest. In this paper I have chosen Prudential and BHP Billiton as two multinationals from FTSE 100 firms. I have chosen these companies because they are very reputable in their industries and I want to use investment analysis to compare and to make an investment decision based on this analysis. Prudential is an international financial services group providing retail financial products and services including insurance, fund management and banking products. The company primarily operates in the UK. It is headquartered in London, the UK. Prudential is a holding company. Through its subsidiaries, Co. is engaged in the provision of financial services in the U.K., the U.S. and Asia. Co. operates through five brand names: Prudential, M&G, Egg plc, Jackson National Life and Prudential Corporation Asia. Prudential is a life and pensions providers provider in the United Kingdom. The group recorded revenues of  £41,125 million during the fiscal year ended December 2005, an increase of 21.3% over 2004. The net profit was  £760 million in fiscal year 2005, an increase of 47.3% over 2004. (Prudential, 2006) BHP Billiton is the worlds largest resources group primarily engaged in mineral exploration and production. The groups primary focus areas include carbon steel raw materials, energy coal, nickel, copper concentrate, petroleum and diamonds. It operates globally with more than 100 operating bases in 25 countries. BHP Billiton is a dual listed company comprising BHP Billiton Limited and BHP Billiton Plc. The two entities continue to exist as separate companies, but operate as a combined group known as BHP Billiton. (Billiton, 2006) The global headquarters of the combined BHP Billiton Group are located in Melbourne, Australia. The group employs about 37,000 people. (Billiton, 2006) The group recorded revenues of $32,153 million during the fiscal year ended June 2006, an increase of