Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Life Time Research Paper - 930 Words

Men have their Periods Too Menstruation and menopause are words commonly associated with the female folks. My focus is not on the biological and scientific process that drive menstrual flow in human, but some of the inexplicable psychological impacts, anxiety and displeasure women live with prior to and during their monthly menstrual circles. I find it incredibly amazing, that some men experience monthly menstrual flow, and are compelled to wear the red badge of courage which most people think is an insignia of the feminine world. I will like to share a life time experience in this paper that taught me a life time lesson about how to be conscious, to be respectful and to support to any woman during her menstrual periods and what kinds of†¦show more content†¦Although I found her unusual display of timidity about the encounter awkward, but I learnt to respect her unusual timidity not to talk about the encounter. Years later, she explained that only her regret that night was being caught unaware away from home, she explained further that it is not unusual to feel cramps, and heavy flow in the first days of her menstrual period. I remember vividly that memorable night, I led her to my bathroom, got her sanitary towels from my sister’s closet, replaced the bed linings and subsequently put her to sleep. The next morning everything was okay, as I drove my friend to the exam hall. Many thoughts ran through my naà ¯ve mind, I was kind of troubled since my friend was shy to talk about what has happened for a long time, I formed an opinion on my own leaned toward a petty and hasty judgmental position. I took the view that my friend silence for many years about the encounter was one of guilt. I initially thought my friend had a miscarriage or possibly have bleed so much due to complications from an abortion. If women undergo such discomforts during their menstrual period, how much more pains do women endure during child birth? Enduring pain all day long, bloating, back and stomach cramps, bleeding all day for the next four to five days, going to the wash room from time to time to change sanitary towels or check for external stains among other psychological anxieties,Show MoreRelatedReligion, Social Networks, And Life Satisfaction1534 Words   |  7 Pagestopic of this paper is on Religion, Social Networks, and Life Satisfaction (2010). This was found in the American Sociological Review (ASR) As we go through this paper we will see how the authors, do not necessarily meet the criteria that they set out for and in what way they could have tried to help reach what they set out to look for. The simple reasoning behind why they do not meet their criteria is due to how they tried to do their research and what they lacked. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Why! Elder Abuse.Why! Free Essays

Elder abuse, A Social Problem Elderly abuse has not been researched enough, although there has been recent expansion on the research of abuse of the elderly. However, it is still lacking adequate theory because there has not been enough research done, data collected on why it happens, or the characteristics of the abuser and victim. There are some diseases that cannot always be treated or prevented, but negligence and abuse can always be prevented. We will write a custom essay sample on Why! Elder Abuse.Why! or any similar topic only for you Order Now By learning to recognize the signs and symptoms of elder abuse, there will be a decrease in the number of the elderly who are abused and neglected. Within this paper you will find that both men and women are victims of elder abuse, crimes against the elderly, elder abuse with celebrities, main problems with elder abuse and a way to help stop elder abuse by education. It is said that Women are predominantly the victims of elder abuse and that men are the abusers, this is not always true, Men are also victims of elder abuse with women as the abusers. However, there has not been a firm definition of what is elder abuse. Some experts suggest that elder abuse should be included in the definition of domestic violence. Experts have found in their studies that women are the majority of the physically abused, where men were the larger average of elderly individuals who were neglected. However, many experts also state that focusing on the definition of elder abuse is counter-productive as in focusing on the issue that women are the majority of abused victims. Feminist theorists have failed to produce enough data here, although they have the expertise to contribute to this research. Wolf, 2000) Categories of elder abuse and neglect include such diverse harmful acts as hitting the person, withholding food or water, bullying and threatening, abandoning them when they cannot care for themselves. Which involve elders in their homes or in residential care (Wolf, 2000). According to the news on ABC, even celebrities are victims of elder abuse, such as Mickey Rooney. Who is a 90-year-old actor, who has had one of the longest careers of any actor, was granted court protection from stepson Chris Aber and his stepdaughter Christina Aber, after he filed a case against them charging verbal, emotional and financial abuse, and for denying him such basic necessities as food and medicine. The court documents say that both Chris and Christina Aber have been keeping Rooney as â€Å"effectively a prisoner in his own home† through the use of threats, intimidation and harassment (abcnews. com) In the United States most of the abuse has came from nursing homes, but now the abuse is coming from the offspring of the elderly. Even though the government officials are trying to pass new laws to protect the elderly, the abuse continues. Did you know that 90% of abuse and neglect is perpetrated by family members or relatives, two-thirds by the spouse or adult child of the victim (Administration on Aging, 2004b). One of the main problems with elder abuse is the failure to acknowledge it as a form of real abuse. The ‘caregiver’ is already excused by getting this label as the ‘carer’. There is also the focus on the elder individual as the catalyst to the abuse, by pushing the carer to his or her limits. The elder individual is seen as overly dependent and has added stress to the caregiver. Violence toward the elderly by their middle-aged children or others is a special form of family violence and, just like child abuse and domestic violence, deserves to be recognized, investigated and appropriate interventions provided to save victims from unnecessary suffering. What is abuse? â€Å"It is a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person or violates their human and civil rights (Brandl, 2000). The victim fears reporting such abuse will result in losing ties with that relative or that the relationship will be upset. In several circumstances the victim would be dependent on the perpetrator a caregiver and they are afraid of ending up in long term care if they report the abuse. There may also be the fear that the abuser may find out. Furthermore, they might not have the confidence to report the abuse, and are afraid they won’t remain anonymous. Maybe there is a possibly of failure to recognize abuse and they do not know what is happening to them is classified as abuse. From the functionalist perspective, aging is a social problem because the institutions of modern society are not meeting the needs of the dependent elderly. Interactionist believes that the elderly are stigmatized because they do not conform to the norms of a youth-oriented culture. Conflict theorist view the problems of the elder as stemming from lack of power to shape social institution to meet their needs (http://apa. org/) As a human service professional we can help in the fight to stop Elder abuse, by joining groups like the NCEA, and get involved in their World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. http://www. ncea. aoa. gov). We can help to educate the society, community, on the signs of Elder Abuse with a brochure on Signs of Elder Abuse and by joining the White House on the †Taking a Stand against Elder Abuse† that happens every year on the Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (whitehouse. gov). Elder abuse is just like Domestic Violence and society should not let this ty pe of abuse happen to anyone. In conclusion; as citizens of United States, we must make ourselves aware of the signs of Elder Abuse. We must give respect to the elderly and if we suspect an elderly person is being abused by their family or a professional do not be afraid to report the abuse to the proper authorities. This paper gave you information as stated and that both men and women are victims of elder abuse, there are many crimes against the elderly, there is elder abuse with celebrities, there are main problems with elder abuse and there is a way to help stop elder abuse by education and planning. It is not an easy road but if we all work together to stop elderly abuse, we can stop it! Reference Halphen, John M. , Grace M. Varas, and June M. Sadowsky. 2009. â€Å"Recognizing and reporting elder abuse and neglect. † Geriatrics 64, no. 7: 13-18. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed June 18th, 2011). Administration on Aging (2004b) Elder Abuse, Retrieved, June 18th, 2011 from http://www. aoa. gov/eldfam National Center on Elder Abuse. (2004). The Basics. Retrieved June 17th, 2011 from http://www. lderabusecenter. org/default. cfm? p=basic. cfm Brandl, B. (2000) Power and control: Understanding domestic abuse in later life. Generations, 24(11), 39-45 National Council on Child Abuse and Family Violence. Retrieved March 18th, 2011, from http://www. nccafv. org/elder. htm#top http://apa. org/ http://www. ncea. aoa. gov/Ncearoot/Main_Site/pdf/publication/Join_Us_Campaign_tipsheet_indv_final. pdf retrieved June 21st, 20011 http://www. whitehouse. gov/blog/2011/06/13/taki ng-stand-against-elder-abuse How to cite Why! Elder Abuse.Why!, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

People and Organization Personality and Disability

Question: Discuss about thePeople and Organization for Personality and Disability. Answer: Introduction: Human behavior is complex subject and the individualism differentiates every individual from another. The individuality depends on several factors including personality, disability, values, age, religion etc. According to Sue, Rasheed and Rasheed (2015), individuals attitude is influenced by factors including abilities, gender, attribution, perception and attitude. Over the past few decades, the workforce diversity plays an integral role in the business. There are some beneficial aspects and challenges of the workforce diversity. Most of the business analysts have agreed with the fact that most of the organizations have been making efforts for achieving the workforce diversity in the era of economic globalization. By analyzing the beneficial aspects of the workforce diversity, it can be assessed that the organizations could increase the productivity along with creativity. Moreover, the diversity at work could cause in enhancing the language skills. Sometimes, workforce diversity is r esponsible for improving the reputation of the organization. In this context, the beneficial aspects of the workforce diversity will be discussed in an efficient manner. Moreover, the importance of the impartial managerial behavior will be highlighted in a detailed manner. Different point of views of the authors will be sketched in this particular assignment in an appropriate manner. Discussion: According to Villarreal et al. (2014), organizations obtain high benefits by involving the workforce diversity into the business. Over the past few years, workforce diversity is responsible for most of the organizational development. With the involvement of the workforce diversity, the organizations experience both tangible and intangible benefits. In the recent years, the diversity at the workplace provides the competitive advantages in the business. By analyzing the benefits of the diversity at the workplace, it can be assessed that the organizations could easily enhance the productivity by implementing the diversity in the business. The diverse workforce indeed provides employees with different skills that would facilitate the organizations in executing the complex task in an easy manner. Employees from the diverse work culture could provide different ideas for improving the business opportunities. Thompson (2016) has discussed that the workforce diversity enhances the employee mo rale, and it is responsible for influencing the employees in executing work more effectively and efficiently. On the other hand, Harvey and Allard (2015) have identified that the diversity leadership within the business indeed allows the management in identifying the new skills and method to achieve the organizational goals and objectives. Besides the productivity, the diverse workforce facilitates in increasing the creativity in the business execution process. According to Barak (2013), workforce diversity enhances the creativity within an organization. It has been seen that the employees from the different background facilitate the organization in providing a variety of solutions that contribute to achieving the goals and objectives of the business. on the contrary, Elwr et al. (2013) have identified that a huge number of ideas can be formed under the diverse workforce situation. Most of the companies have successfully created the innovative processes through the discussion with t he employees under diverse work culture. In the modern era of business, most of the organizations try to expand their workforces across the global platform. Due to the limited global presence, the organizations have limited market shares. Consequently, it harms the business growth. Hence, the organizations are more focused to expand the business across the international market. For enhancing the business in to the international market, the organizations need to focus on the language diversity. Barak (2013) has identified the fact that the companies planning to expand the business into the global market obtain huge benefit from the language diversity at the workplace. Most of the bilingual workers experience an extra advantage when applying for a particular job because employees understand the beneficial aspects of the language diversity. On the other hand, the organizations following the workforce diversity have huge reputations in the market, as these organizations avoid practicing employment discrimination. The potential employees always focus on gathering information about the employers treatment to the staffs. Most of the employers treat their staffs fairly regardless of gender, ethnicity, and race. By discussing the outcome of the workforce diversity, it can be assessed that the organization upholds the high employee morale through the implementation of such process into the business. Hence, it can be identified that the workforce diversity is responsible for providing competitive advantages to the organizations. With the involvement of the diverse workforce into the business, organizations could easily gain maximum benefits. According to Thompson (2016), all employees should be treated equally rather individually at the workplace. Without treating staffs equally, the organizations would not be able to enhance the productivity of the business. In recent years, most of the organizations have been focusing on the quality program, as it facilitates them in enhancing the business opportunities in an efficient manner. For instance, if the management of the organizations treats employees equally, they would be able to obtain the different ideas in the business. By treating the employees identically, the management would be able to encourage the staffs in delivering the quality performance. Most of the leaders in the organizations believe that the impartiality at the workplace would motivate the employees for providing high productivity in the business. According to Harvey and Allard (2015), the equality process in the organization would cause several beneficial aspects including opportunity, contribution, lawsu it protection, and reputation. On the contrary, Barak (2013) have identified that all individuals have the same opportunities in developing their skills by involving themselves into the workplace consists of equality and diversity. Workplace equality provides an adequate chance to the employees in contributing high productivity. Most of the organizations provide equal training sessions to the employees in order to enhance their workability in an efficient manner. Although the workplace equality provides adequate opportunity to the organizations in enhancing the business opportunities, it also creates some challenges for trade. Thompson (2016) has discussed that the employees having a low knowledge need extra training and development session for enhancing the workability in an effective manner. Moreover, potential employees should be given proper recognitions so that they become motivated for providing enhanced performance into the business. Sue, D.W., Rasheed and Rasheed (2015) have identified the fact that the motivation is one of the major factors that could enhance the productivity of the business in an effective manner. In many multinational organizations, employees face the unequal treatment from the management. Consequently, it decreases the workability of the employees. Sometimes, employees are not able to stop the unequal treatment of management. Elwr et al. (2013) have discussed that the employer should admit the issues at workplace fairly so that they can be influenced for delivering high production in the business. Unequal treatment can happen due to the several factors including the types of behavior. The manager of the organization can be participated in the unequal treatment process by denying complaints rose by employees. Sometimes, the management denies in providing proper recognition to the potential employees. Consequently, it affects the workability of that particular employee. Moreover, the unequal treatment could make an employee unfaithful to the organization. Most of the employees feel that they are not obtaining the desired promotion due to the unfair treatment of the organizatio n. Thompson (2016) has discussed that the employee being treated differently in the organization can cause the stress and the low morale among the staffs. Hence, it would affect the employees performance and productivity. In this context, if I feel that I have been treating differently than others in the organization then I would convey this particular issue to the higher management. If the problem arises from the employee level, then it can be assessed that the higher management or my leaders would take strict action against it. However, I have to observe the situation carefully because I need to be sure whether the issue has been created intentionally or not. On the contrary, it would be difficult for me to obtain a resolution quickly, as the management would take the time to analysis the particular situation. On the other hand, if the problem comes from the management level, it would be very difficult for me to highlight that issue to the higher authority. At the initial stage, I need to investigate the reason why my senior manager behaves differently to me. The behavior of the manager depends on several factors. Without shouting at the workplace, I need to handle the entire situation in an effecti ve manner. Firstly, I will start listening to the manager. If the manager shows partiality, I will try to make other employees admit the situation. On the other hand, I would discuss the entire situation with the human resource managers in order to obtain an effective work culture at the workplace. If I try to resolve the situation where my manager misunderstood me, then I would reach out directly to that particular person in order to discuss my issues. I would not waste time to spread my emotions to everyone else when I could simply explain my intentions to the person who treated me wrong at the workplace. Sometimes, the apologies can resolve the issues in an efficient manner. If possible, I would like to apologize to my senior managers so that the problem can be resolved in an easy manner. Sometimes, the misunderstanding creates huge difficulties in maintaining the good relation with the higher manager of the organization. Sue, Rasheed and Rasheed (2015) have discussed that the unfair leaders are responsible for providing mental agony to the employees. It not only decreases the production of the business but also devalue the brand in the large marketplace. In recent years, the managers often attack the employees through their sarcasm. The unfair boss might humiliate the employees through different ways. They send the emails to the individual containing the personal attacks. Moreover, the unfair managers could publicly humiliate the employees in restrained ways. In this context, being an employee, I would address the unfair treatment of other employees or the managers to the higher authority in order to obtain the fair work culture. Without identifying the particular issues with quick response, I would not be able to uphold my performance in the organizations. Consequently, it might create a negative impression on my career graph. I would send an email to the higher authority mentioning the issue that I have been facing at the workplace. I would mention on that particular mail that due to receiving unfair treatment at the workplace; I am unable to execute my allocated tasks in a proper manner. Hence, it can be assured that the higher authority would take serious action against this particular issue because the prime objective of the organization is to obtain the high production from each employee involved in the business. The reverse situation can occur in the workplace. The managers could treat me fairly, and my colleague may face challenges in upholding the performance due to inequality in the business. In this situation, I would advise the particular employees in sharing his experiences with the manager who has been treating the employee unfairly. On the other hand, the employees facing this particular issue could complain to the management about the situation. Without addressing the issue in an efficient manner, the employees would not be able to improve the situation at the workplace. On the other hand, the employees need to highlight the fact that the unequal treatment in the organization has been creating challenges for them in retaining enhanced performance at the workplace. By discussing the outcomes of the situation, it can be assessed that the management would take strong action against the unfair policy in the business, as they focus on the productivity of the employees rather creating complex workplace situation. However, it would be difficult to obtain righteousness at the workplace within the short timeframe if the problem arises from the managerial level. The higher authority would not avoid in providing the right solutions to the challenges, as they might understand that the particular situations would affect the business in an efficient manner. On the other hand, the management of the organization would focus on analyzing such issues in order to improve the work culture in the workplace. As per my point of view, the management would not ignore such issues of the employees due to retaining the business values in the market. It has been seen that the unfair employee treatment would cause a decrement of the brand value of the organization. Consequently, it would create challenges in obtaining profitable outcome from the business. Besides this, I think the higher authority would take serious action against the challenges of the employees, as the company always intends to uphold enhanced work culture at the workplace for experiencing the high production. In the competitive market, all companies try to maintain the healthy work culture at the workplace in order to obtain high business growth in the market. Hence, I can assess that the organization would not avoid resolving such issues that could prevent the growth of the business. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the workforce diversity facilitates in enhancing the organizational performance in an efficient manner. The particular assignment highlights the impact of workforce diversity into the business. Besides this, the influence of the equality at the workplace has also been discussed in this particular assignment. Without implementing the equality into the business, the organization would not be able to enhance the business opportunities in an appropriate manner. References: Barak, M.E.M., 2013.Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications. Elwr, S., Harryson, L., Bolin, M. and Hammarstrm, A., 2013. Patterns of gender equality at workplaces and psychological distress.PloS one,8(1), p.e53246. Harvey, C.P. and Allard, M., 2015.Understanding and managing diversity. Pearson. Sue, D.W., Rasheed, M.N. and Rasheed, J.M., 2015.Multicultural Social Work Practice: A Competency-Based Approach to Diversity and Social Justice. John Wiley Sons. Thompson, N., 2016.Anti-discriminatory practice: Equality, diversity and social justice. Palgrave Macmillan. Villarreal, J.C., Cargill, D.C., Hagborg, A., Soderstrom, L. and Renzaglia, K.S., 2014. A synthesis of hornwort diversity: Patterns, causes and future work.Phytotaxa,9(1), pp.150-166.