Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How to Use a Scientific Calculator

Step by step instructions to Use a Scientific Calculator You may know all the recipes for math and science issues, however on the off chance that you dont realize how to utilize your logical number cruncher, youll never find the right solution. Heres a brisk audit of how to perceive a logical adding machine, what the keys mean, and how to enter information effectively. What Is a Scientific Calculator? To begin with, you have to know how a logical number cruncher is unique in relation to different adding machines. There are three primary sorts of mini-computers: essential, business, and logical. You cannot work science, material science, designing, or trigonometry issues on an essential or business number cruncher in light of the fact that they dont have capacities youll need to utilize. Logical mini-computers incorporate examples, log, regular log (ln), trig capacities, and memory. These capacities are imperative when youre working with logical documentation or any recipe with a geometry segment. Essential mini-computers can do expansion, deduction, increase, and division. Business adding machines incorporate catches for financing costs. They normally overlook the request for activities. Logical Calculator Functions The catches might be named diversely relying upon the producer, yet here is a rundown of regular capacities and what they mean: Activity Numerical Function + additionally or option - less or deduction Note: On a logical adding machine there is an alternate catch to make a positive number into a negative number, normally checked (- ) or NEG (nullification) * times, or duplicate by /or à · partitioned by, finished, division by ^ raised to the intensity of yx or xy y raised to the force x or x raised to the y Sqrt or √ square root ex example, raise e to the force x LN regular logarithm, take the log of SIN sine work SIN-1 reverse sine work, arcsine COS cosine work COS-1 converse cosine work, arccosine TAN digression work TAN-1 converse digression capacity or arctangent ( ) enclosures, teaches adding machine to do this activity first Store (STO) place a number in memory for sometime in the future Review recuperate the number from memory for guaranteed use Step by step instructions to Use a Scientific Calculator The conspicuous method to figure out how to utilize the adding machine is to peruse the manual. On the off chance that you got an adding machine that didnt accompany a manual, you can normally scan for the model on the web and download a duplicate. Else, you have to do a touch of experimentation or youll enter in the correct numbers and still find an inappropriate solution. The explanation this happens is that various adding machines process request of tasks in an unexpected way. For instance, if your calculationâ is: 3 5 * 4 You know, as indicated by the request for tasks, the 5 and the 4 ought to be increased by one another before including the 3. Your adding machine could conceivably know this. On the off chance that you press 3 5 x 4, a few adding machines will offer you the response 32 and others will give you 23 (which is right). Discover what your mini-computer does. On the off chance that you see an issue with the request for activities, you can either enter 5 x 4 3 (to move the augmentation) or use enclosures 3 (5 x 4). Which Keys to Press and When to Press Them Here are some model estimations and how to decide the right method to enter them. At whatever point you get someones adding machine, start playing out these straightforward tests to ensure youre utilizing it effectively. Square Root: Find the square foundation of 4. You realize the appropriate response is 2 (right?). On your adding machine, see if you have to enter 4 and afterward press the SQRT key or whether you hit the SQRT key and afterward enter 4. Taking the Power: The key might be stamped xy or yx. You have to see if the main number you enter is the x or the y. Test this by entering 2, power key, 3. In the event that the appropriate response was 8, at that point you took 23, yet on the off chance that you got 9, the adding machine gave you 32.10x: Again, test to see whether you press the 10x fasten and afterward enter your x or whether you enter the x worth and afterward press the catch. This is basic for science issues, where youll live in the place that is known for logical notation!Trig Functions: When youre working with points, remember numerous number crunchers let you select whether to communicate the appropriate response in degrees or radians. At that point, you have to decide if you enter the edge (check the units) and afterward sin, cos, tan, and so forth., or whether you press the transgression, cos, and so forth., fasten and afterward enter the number. How would you test this: Remember the sine of a 30-degree point is 0.5. Enter 30 and afterward SIN and check whether you get 0.5. No? Attempt SIN and afterward 30. On the off chance that you get 0.5 utilizing one of these strategies, at that point you realize which works. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you get - 0.988, at that point your adding machine is set to radian mode. To change to degrees, search for a MODE key. There is regularly a pointer of units reviewed directly with the numerals to tell you what youre getting.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Reshaping Toledo The physical and symbolic transformation of the Essay

Reshaping Toledo The physical and representative change of the medieval city after the Christian success of 1085 - Essay Example This paper not just focuses on the physical examples that experienced changes during the transitional period, yet additionally centers around the few changes which cast their solid impacts in human mind of this spot. It discusses the historical backdrop of the city itself, the quintessential parts of its change as the centuries progressed, the impact of repopulation of the al-Andalusia district during the long stretches of the Reconquista and the individuals speaking to a huge mixture of different societies and doctrines, specifically Christians, the Muslims and the Jewish minorities, who occupied the city. The city being one of the most happening habitats of physical, strict and social change has been the enthusiasm of countless archeologists and history specialists, who attempted to draw out the inconspicuous tones of shading speaking to the steady change in the idea of the city, the viewpoint of the individuals and their social remaining regarding one another. This is a reality that these progressions affected over an extensive stretch of time all through the rule of Alfonso VI and proceeding with outcome gradually granted the last tones of shading to the city whose follows can be connected even today. On the off chance that we hindsight the whole history of medieval Spain and not simply the city of Toledo, which was a basic piece of the al-Andalus administered by the Islamic matchless quality and the Berber systems of Almohads and Almoravids, we would secure a story of both mistreatment and resilience all through the whole time of progress from the Islamic incomparability to Christi an force. The narratives that record this change additionally discusses the moderate change in the lives of the individuals, the Christians and the Muslims alongside the minorities, for the most part the Jews, in light of the fact that reshaping of the city was likewise achieved by the adjustments in the strict and social situation. It prompted the blending of various formal practices among the Spanish populace. This paper will concentrate on the Spanish medieval history when every one of these changes occurred bringing forth a multicultural milieu of Toledo. Reshaping Toledo is the principle subject of this paper. All through the conversation, we will attempt to look at in what sense the city was reshaped. There are various ways of thinking who have expressed various things on whether the Muslim period in Toledo had its genuine impact. This paper will likewise illuminate whether the Christian period after Reconquest in the city had the option to carry important changes to the city situation. Recapturing the control over Spanish states was an incredible accomplishment for the Christians, however our conversation will attempt to assess this current rule's real impacts on the physical, strict and emblematic parts of Toledo. It may be noticed that Medieval Spain experienced a few torments as the Christians appeared a consistent battle to secure force from the hand of Muslims. The Spanish front line stayed an incident spot all through the medieval time and the campaign began exactly when the Muslims had their control practically all through the Western Europe. European landmass was governed by the Muslims from the earliest starting point of the eighth century and they kept spreading until obstructed by the adventures of Charles the Hammer. Annihilation of the Muslim force in the Pyrenees brought about their settlement in the

Monday, July 27, 2020

The Double Edged Sword

The Double Edged Sword The February 13 edition of Time Magazine had an interesting article that I think would make for some good discussion. For a full reference, you can see the article here. Basically, what I gathered from the article is that the US is no longer the superpower when it comes to scientific development. Other countries are becoming equally competititive in this new era where communication occurs rapidly and information is only a keystroke away. There was one part of the article that made me feel a bit uneasy. If we compare what our best undergraduates get paid as a graduate student vs. what they get paid in investment banking, theres no doubt that theres tremendous economic pressure to suck you away from what is perhaps your first academic love. As for teaching science at the precollege level, salaries and working conditions are even more dismal. Students at elite universities are getting that message loud and clear. Melisa Gao, 20, is a senior majoring in chemistry at Princeton, but when recruiters from consulting firms and investment banks showed up on campus last fall, she went on several interviews, and she will take a job as a consultant after graduation. She says, They love the fact that science majors can think analytically, that were comfortable with numbers. Increasingly, science majors love those companies back. Gao says, There are no guarantees if you go into science, especially as a woman. You have to worry about getting tenure. Or if you go into industry, it takes you a long time to work your way up the ladder. If you go into finance or consulting instead, by the time your roommate is out of grad school, youve been promoted, plus youre making a lot more money, while theyre stuck in lab. Even at M.I.T., the U.S.s premier engineering school, the traditional career path has lost its appeal for some students. Says junior Nicholas Pearce, a chemical-engineering major from Chicago: Its marketed asI dont want to say dead end but sort of O.K., heres your role, heres your lab, heres what youre going to be working on. Even if its a really cool product, youre locked into it. Like Gao, Pearce is leaning toward consulting. If youre an M.I.T. grad and youre going to get paid $50,000 to work in a cubicle all dayas opposed to $60,000 in a team setting, plus a bonus, plus this, plus thatit seems like a no-brainer. Theres a lot of validity in this statement. Teachers and professors make less money than those who go into banking. The life of a graduate student sometimes is less than glamorous. I still love science. One of the things I have been encountering lately is my engineering friends deciding that they want to leave the sciences and go into banking or consulting. This week alone, walking up and down the Infinite, Ive run into a bunch of friends on their way to interviews with some of the worlds biggest banks and consulting firms. I wont lie; I really used to want that for myself as well. I wanted to wear the pinstripe suit and walk down Wall Street into my office on the top floor with my own personal cappucino machine. Today, I want a some lab space and research journals to publish my findings. What happened? I really dont know. One of the things Ive observed is that these days a lot of people associate success with $ucce$$. Research careers may not necessarily yield stock options and company cars; they probably wont, but I still think these jobs are just as important as the person at Goldman Sachs. Without science, where would we be? What I consider success has dramatically changed. I spend countless hours in lab watching the hours go by until I get an interesting data point that highlights some feature worth writing a paper about. Ive become paper-hungry but not with regards to money, but to how many journals I can get in before I graduate and the ultimate success, FIRST AUTHOR. As for MIT students leaving engineering and the sciences for consulting and finance, to each his own. Ill take my lab bench any day. Personally, my experience here has reaffirmed my unquenched desire to play with the unknown, and for me, I find that in science and engineering. Inventing my own equations and just going for it. What do you think about this article?

Friday, May 22, 2020

Limiting the Use of Technology Essay - 1265 Words

Limit The Use of Technology Over the past several years’ technology has advanced significantly. Nowadays most everything we use is done by some form of technology. Several years ago, we didn’t even have cellphones or the Internet, now we have cellphones that can access the Internet. This generation has become so dependent with technology that it is actually beginning to harm most us, not help us. So this leads us to believe one should limit his or her use of technology because it could cause addiction, loss of time management, and invaded privacy. Technologies, such as cellphones, Internet, and video games have lead many to be addicted. Because we use cellphones everyday we become dependent on them and use them constantly. Now, when†¦show more content†¦When we become distracted with the Internet we loose all other priorities that need to be done such as our schoolwork, job, or even children. This is one of the many reasons why we should limit ourselves to the use of technology. By limiting ourselves we are saving ourselves from becoming addicted and obsessed. Secondly, we may end up losing our discipline in time management and cause problems in our lives. When we do not watch how we make use with our time, we can lose track of what needs to be done. Time management is an important factor in our lives and when we lose sight on that we may end up forgetting important tasks. Video games are one of the many technologies we use most of our time doing and keep us from doing our work. Teenagers these days have gotten bad grades and failed classes because they spend too much time playing video games and not much time on their schoolwork. We also end up losing time we could be spending working on our career. Instead of building up our career we tend to waste that time on the Internet or video games. When technologies such as video games or the Internet take the place of schoolwork or our career, we lose all discipline in time management. 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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Essay on Gender Wage Gap in the U.S - 1385 Words

THE GENDER WAGE GAP IN THE UNITED STATES Name: Alejandra Aguilera Date: Teacher’s Name: Subject: Language B Word count: 1186 THE GENDER WAGE GAP IN THE UNITED STATES Introduction Today’s society continues to argue about the subject of social inequalities even in cosmopolitan and first world countries like United States. Gender inequality is a subject that have been forgotten eventually since the women civil rights movement developed and they started gaining an equal right for work. Still, in U.S history, gender inequalities remain till today in relation to the workplace to some degree. The Gender Wage gap is considered a gender inequality, but could be also a result of the interaction of†¦show more content†¦Wheaton Glass Co. (1970), U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit and stated that jobs needed to be substantially equal to fall into the right of receiving an equal wage. Then also, Corning Glass Works v. Brennan (1974), U.S. Supreme Court suggested that women could not be paid less because of working in jobs that men would not like to do, it was described as â€Å"unacceptable†. The Wage Gap Today Till 2012, women that worked full time earned 80.9% of men wages. Today, those percentages have arrived the 82.5%. According to the Washington Post newspaper article â€Å"Obama takes executive action to lift the veil of ‘pay secrecy’ †, President Obama on April 1, 2014 described the gender gap in where women earned 77 cents from each dollar that men earned. In fact, He added that those statistics did not provide the factors that influenced the different pay wages among gender. Furthermore, due to this the Equal Pay Day 2014 also counted with the participation of both parts, in favor and against in a debate. Again, the arguments went around the factors that may produce these differences among wage and Mark J. Perry and Andrew G. Biggs republican economists of the American Enterprise Institute claim the Wage Gap to be a â€Å"myth†, they also suggested that the Paycheck Fairness act will produce side effects as women being hired from their jobs and they c laim that the gender Wage Gap was due toShow MoreRelatedGender Wage Gap And Gender Inequality1697 Words   |  7 Pagesto be paid less wages than men, but this paper will argue in the U.S. today the gender wage gap still exists. The definition of gender wage gap as stated by the U.S. government is defined as women who work full time or salary based jobs who receive less earnings than their male counterparts who work equal level jobs (â€Å"Equal Pay,† n.d.).[] This analysis will focus on the years of 2012 to 2014, and in these years it is clear that the gender wage gap exists. 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Even in the present, women are inclined to get lower salaries than men throughout the world, and most importantly the United States where the constitution says â€Å"all men are created equal.† All salaries are on a weekly basis and percentages are cents a woman earns per dollar a man earns. Although, there is much we can do as individuals to stop discrimination in the work force. The United States’ wage gap is caused byRead MoreReflections on the Gender Wage Gap Essay1123 Words   |  5 PagesThe gender wage gap is a complicated issue that has persisted despite the Equal Pay Act of 1963 that promised equal pay for equal work. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2010, women on average earned 81 cents for every dollar men earned, creating concern among scholars, policy makers, and the press, and lingering questions as to cause (2011). While the wage gap has narrowed considerably in the nearly 50 years since the passage of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, many contend that theRead MoreWomen Have Always Seen A Gap In Pay, But Recently The Dispute1639 Words   |  7 PagesWomen have always seen a gap in pay, but recently the dispute about the gender wage gap has aroused and angered many in the U.S. Many Americans have labeled businesses as sexist due to the gap in pay among men and women. As many people know, men and women have many differ ences such as caring for children, different interests when it comes to the workforce, and many others. Naturally men and women have many differences that cause a bit of a gap when it comes to pay. While gender is most definitely aRead MoreThe Gender Wage Gap Within Society1281 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout history females have never been treated fairly compared to their male counterparts. The gender wage gap has been a real and prevalent thing in our society. Even in the present, women are inclined to get lower salaries than men throughout the world, and most importantly the United States where the constitution says â€Å"all men are created equal.† All salaries are on a weekly basis and percentages are cents a woman earns per dollar a man earns. Though many are currently working to fix the situationRead MoreGender Wage Inequality1630 Words   |  7 Pagesdiscussion of gender pay gap without defining it. Simply put, gender pay gap is the inequality between men and women wages. Gender pay gap is a constant international problem, in which women are paid, on average, less than that of their male counterpart. As to if gender pay gap still exist, its exactness fluctuates depending on numerous factors such as professional status, country and regional location, gender, and age. In regards to gender, in some cases, both men and women have stated that the gap doesRead MoreRaising The Minimum Wage Of The United States1309 Words   |  6 PagesRaise the minimum wage: In the United States, studies show that women tend to make up a disproportionate share of low-wage workers. In the field of education, men tends to go more to STEM than women and that also leads to high paying jobs for men. If we raise the minimum wage, this will help hardworking women to support their families. Approximately, women made up two-thirds of all minimum-wage workers in 2012. With the current federal minimum wage i.e. $7.25 per hour, someone working full timeRead MoreThe Effects Of Income Inequality For Educated Women1691 Words   |  7 Pagesmillions of educated women experience an unjustified wage gap in the United States. While income does change with advances in education such as earning a masters or doctoral degree, wage inequality becomes very significant when the income of men and women with the same degree are compared. It has become very apparent that men earn more than women, on average, women with a bachelor’s degree earn $19,826 less than men with the same degree (U.S Census). This gap becomes troublesome as women must adjust theirRead MoreRoles And Roles Of Women1693 Words   |  7 Pages The roles of gender are changing rapidly. Throughout U.S. history men have played dominant roles and were always the family breadwinners. As women get more education and make more money they are becoming the primarily breadwinners of their families. More women are working outside the home and their earnings are important to the well-being of their famil ies. What are the effect on their families, careers and equal wages? The days of mom staying at home full-time are long gone for most families

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Influence of Technology in Human Resource Management Free Essays

Information technology, also known as IT, has drastically changed the workplaces of the world in the past 50 years. The field of human resources has historically been limited to a clerical or administrative role in the business arena, dealing mainly with tasks like payroll or attendance. In the modern market, new core HR responsibilities include recruitment and training, oversight of legal and regulatory compliance, benefits administration and the safeguarding of confidential employee information, along with many more. We will write a custom essay sample on The Influence of Technology in Human Resource Management or any similar topic only for you Order Now These tasks cannot be carried out effectively without the use of high-tech tools. Advances in technology have not only made the handling of basic administrative tasks more efficient, they have expanded the role of HR and created new disciplines within the field. Database management systems are a prime example of how technology has facilitated the growth and expansion of the HR field. Using a DBMS streamlines the management of employee information. Data entry and tracking, analysis of employee information, benefits administration and applicant tracking are all made easier and less time consuming, with the information available and organized with the punch of a key (Laudon and Laudon, 165). Human resource outsourcing is a rapidly growing field all on its own. Many businesses, small and large alike, are turning to HR specialization firms such as Aon Human Capital Services, Hewitt Associates, and Affiliated Computer Services. The Braun Consulting Group reported that while saving money is the reason for outsourcing for about half of the companies surveyed, gaining outside expertise, improving service quality, and being able to focus on their core business were also cited as key motivators. These companies characteristically offer services in four principal areas of HR functionalities: payroll, time and labor management, benefits administration, and HR management. Some of the most widely used software applications are payroll and compensation management software. Payroll software is designed to automate payroll tasks, including managing payroll tax issues like federal and state calculations. Additionally, payroll software assists in creating paychecks, filing tax forms, and creating employee tax records. Compensation management oftware automates salary reviews, plans, and budgeting to name a few. This software may be hosted in-house by the operating organization, or may be web-based. Web based providers include Oasis Outsourcing, Intuit, and Amycheck. These service providers have assisted small businesses and large corporations alike in streamlining payroll and benefits management. Employee recruitment and training are widely considered to be two of the most important t asks in human resource management. Attracting and retaining competent, reliable employees is necessary for success in any business. The advent of the Internet has drastically altered the way organizations search for candidates, and vice versa. The Internet allows businesses to reach a much greater pool of candidates with a greater range of knowledge, skills, and abilities, which in turn increases the odds of finding a good match for the position(s). Larger organizations often employ their HRIS departments in developing in-depth company websites with detailed job descriptions and requirements, as well as the organization’s mission statement and corporate culture, in an effort to attract employees that fit with the attitude and values of the company. Smaller organizations cannot afford to create and maintain a large and often expensive website like this, but there are many options for outsourcing online recruitment. In addition to outsourced companies, large job posting websites such as Monster. com are popular sites for people searching for jobs to post resumes and search for a wide range of openings. Technology has also been implemented in training employees. E-learning is a widely used tool in employee training and development. The term â€Å"E-learning† includes any form of training done with electronic support. This includes online training and development, tele-class training, chat room training, and video training. The advantages of these forms of training include convenience and the ability to control the pace of the instruction. The use of this medium, however, should mainly be limited to teaching the basic concepts and skills needed for the job, with more in-depth classic training for more specific skills or needs (Smith and Mazin 69). â€Å"Communication is the key to any change† (Rudnick, 45). In any business, ffective communication between employees, managers, and customers is not just a nice perquisite, it is vital to the success (or failure) of the organization. The era of paper memos, faxes, and â€Å"regular† mail is on its way out the door. Email has rapidly become the most widely used form of communication in the business world. Instant messaging, internal databases, and bulletin boards are also well used to communicate with suppliers, employees, and customers al ike (Laudon and Laudon, 191). The explosion of cellular phone and smartphone usage has also transformed the way organizations do business. Many organizations are allowing employees to work more hours from home, conducting business over the internet and phone. Hours are more flexible, and it is no longer necessary for a physical presence in the office for a large portion of the work. Communications with customers are also altered. The Internet has opened a vast new market to many businesses. A webpage has the potential to introduce the company to millions of new customers, and also allows for easier payments, shopping, and ordering, all from home. Businesses also have an increased opportunity for improving customer relations, thanks to the Internet. Feedback is available almost instantly via email, online discussion forums, and social media. The speed of the feedback allows organizations more time to troubleshoot problems and build relationships with satisfied, returning customers. In HR, this growth in the means of communication has opened new paths to employee relations as well. Many times, employees have avoided complaining about valid concerns due to fear of retaliation. The ability to send emails provides a relative anonymity that allows for more freedom of communication between the human resources department and a company’s workers. This also allows more ready access to information such as disciplinary guidelines and employee handbooks; keeping employees informed helps to improve the overall attitude of the workplace. One of the newest trends is social networking sites. Millions of people are registered with such sites as Facebook, MySpace, or LinkedIn. A TUC briefing on social media and HR lists some of the larger issues surrounding the use of these sites. Usage of these sites by employees certainly could be trouble for human resource managers. There is the worry that accessing these sites during work hours, on work stations, will interfere with productivity. Also, the conduct of employee’s on these websites has become a potential concern. Posts dealing with breaches of commercial confidentiality or undermining a company’s reputation could potentially require disciplinary action. These issues are still controversial at this point. Many advances in technology pertain to assisting disabled people in performing everyday tasks that they would otherwise be unable to do. As Don Dalton says, these solutions â€Å"remove the â€Å"dis† from various disabilities† and make their transition into the workforce much easier. This allows companies to hire a more diverse staff and keeps them compliant with EEOC. For people with physical impairments, Dalton lists a wide variety of available technology that can assist in using a computer, for example. The most cost effective is voice recognition software, but there are also many different types of keyboards as well as a head-mounted mouse controller that can be obtained for use in the workplace. Blind people also have options available. Speech synthesizers, document readers, and screen review packages give the blind the ability to access computer documents as easily as those who can see. These technologies and more allow companies to be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. With this explosion of connectivity and technology in the workplace, security is also a huge concern. Hacker, theft, fraud and vandalism have been a classic worry of a business’s databases (Laudon and Laudon, 232). With the growing computer literacy of the workforce, and the growing use of computers at work for personal reasons, organizations are becoming more worried about threats from online sources to their networks. Malware became the leading threat to business’s online security in 2007 (Dumitru, 2). While these problems may seem to be a problem for the IT department, the human resources department should also keep up to date on computer security as well. The information in employee files is sensitive, and every precaution should be taken to insure it stays private, including tough security policies as well as strong firewalls. â€Å"The greatest tragedy in America is not the destruction of our natural resources, though that tragedy is great. The truly great tragedy is the destruction of our human resources by our failure to fully utilize our abilities, which means that most men and women go to their graves with their music still in them. Oliver Wendell Holmes said it best. The abilities, knowledge, and talents of an organization’s workforce are the biggest assets. Without qualified, motivated workers, any business great or small is doomed to failure. The past fifty years have been a remarkable tale of technological advances, however it should always be remembered that th e technology is here to assist and uplift men in their endeavors, not replace them. These advances have transformed the field of human resource management from a minor departmental position to playing a key role in the development and growth of any organization. How to cite The Influence of Technology in Human Resource Management, Essays

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Bell Jar Essays - Julius And Ethel Rosenberg,

The Bell Jar The Bell Jar People's lives are shaped through their success and failure in their personal relationships with each other. The author Sylvia Plath demonstrates this in the novel, The Bell Jar. This is the direct result of the loss of support from a loved one, the lack of support and encouragement, and lack of self confidence and insecurity in Esther's life in the The Bell Jar. It was shaped through her success and failures in her personal relationships between others and herself. Through life, we often lose someone we loved and cared deeply for and supported us through life. This is demonstrated by the loss of a loved one when Esther's father died when she was nine. "My German speaking father, dead since I was nine came from some manic-depressive hamlet in the Prussia." (Sylvia Plath page 27.) Esther's father's death had showed that she was in need of a father figure for love, support and to act as a model for her life. Esther grew up with only the one influence of a parent, her mother. Often times the loss of a friendship can be a great loss of support and confidence within our lives because we can lose them forever. This is demonstrated when Buddy Willard Esther's boyfriend break up. "He told me that his annual fall chest x-ray showed he had caught tuberculosis...in the Adirondacks" (Sylvia Plath pg. 58.) Buddy and Esther break up due to the fact that he was not very honest with her in many ways. He did not have the courage to admit to a certain side of his character and not only that Buddy was diagnosed with an illness but he had other relationships aside from Esther. Therefore Esther experienced another loss of a loved one. Within life, we gain the support from someone that helps us get through life but often times leaves us when we need them most. This is proven when Doreen; Esthers co-worker at the modeling magazine begins to lose contact with Esther through life "Doreen is dissolving... none of them mean anything anymore" (Sylvia Plath pg.17) Doreen begins to lose contact with Esther throughout life, just when Doreen had opened new doors to her. Esther was coming through a very difficult time in life, when Doreen started drifting away from Esther. Once again, Esther experienced the loss and support of a great friend and advocate. Ones' life is made up by framework. You gather friends and folks together and in this framework it clarifies your identity. You articulate and express opinions. You articulate and express opinions. In framework and talk, you develop behavior patterns and priorities and define framework in terms and languages. Esther did all this in her life. But then she forgot who she was. She forgot her framework of reference and she talks about success and failures and despair. Individuals, need encouragement and support from loves ones to guide one through life. This is seen in the lack of support and encouragement displayed when Esther's mother fails to support and encourage Esther with her aspirations. No matter what Esther had wanted to do with her life, her Mother had always wanted her to learn the skills of shorthand because she would always have that skill in her life and also that was the one thing her Mother had experienced in life. As a result, her Mother failed to enhance Esther with her aspirations that she wanted from life. We need the sustenance and assurance from not only loved ones in life, but also from others. This is demonstrated when Jay Cee, Esther's present boss asked Esther what she wanted to do with her life. Esther did not have any solid idea as to what she wanted to do with her life. "You'll never get anywhere like that." (Sylvia Plath page 27) Esther did not know what she especially wanted with her life. Jay Cee stated to Esther that not having an idea of what she wants, will not get her very far because Esther is lacking a few skills. Consequently, Esther lacked the support and helpfulness from her friend and colleague. Throughout life one also needs the motivation and provisions from those that influence one's lives. This is demonstrated by Esther's Class Dean who upheld Esther through her high school years. "I had a way of persuading...interesting experiment." (Sylvia Plath page 29.) Her Class Dean supported Esther in her way of thinking and her thrive for learning which in turn, she was awarded for her learning by receiving many scholarships. Therefore, Esther had the support of her Class Dean in