Friday, May 22, 2020

Limiting the Use of Technology Essay - 1265 Words

Limit The Use of Technology Over the past several years’ technology has advanced significantly. Nowadays most everything we use is done by some form of technology. Several years ago, we didn’t even have cellphones or the Internet, now we have cellphones that can access the Internet. This generation has become so dependent with technology that it is actually beginning to harm most us, not help us. So this leads us to believe one should limit his or her use of technology because it could cause addiction, loss of time management, and invaded privacy. Technologies, such as cellphones, Internet, and video games have lead many to be addicted. Because we use cellphones everyday we become dependent on them and use them constantly. Now, when†¦show more content†¦When we become distracted with the Internet we loose all other priorities that need to be done such as our schoolwork, job, or even children. This is one of the many reasons why we should limit ourselves to the use of technology. By limiting ourselves we are saving ourselves from becoming addicted and obsessed. Secondly, we may end up losing our discipline in time management and cause problems in our lives. When we do not watch how we make use with our time, we can lose track of what needs to be done. Time management is an important factor in our lives and when we lose sight on that we may end up forgetting important tasks. Video games are one of the many technologies we use most of our time doing and keep us from doing our work. Teenagers these days have gotten bad grades and failed classes because they spend too much time playing video games and not much time on their schoolwork. We also end up losing time we could be spending working on our career. Instead of building up our career we tend to waste that time on the Internet or video games. When technologies such as video games or the Internet take the place of schoolwork or our career, we lose all discipline in time management. People who do not have a good time management also will tend to lose friends; they distance themselves by constantly being on the computer or video game. No one wants a person as a friend if all he or she does isShow MoreRelatedThe Computer Into The Learning Process1284 Words   |  6 Pagesthe computer into the learning process has given people the opportunity to explore the benefits of this tool. Technology has been incorporated into the learning environment ever since the computer was introduced to schools in the early 1980s. Now, according to the National Center for Education Statistic, there is a ratio of 5.3 to 1 of students to computers in a class, as of 2009. The use of computers for educational purposes is rarely questioned these days. 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